Brown spots - nute or light burn?!?


Well-Known Member
I have included pictures of the setup / I cannot tell if it is a slight nute burn because it is the middle of the leaves on one or two that have become a light brown and spotty (only one leaf has a single browned tip on a different plant). The ppm in the solution is 191 after just measuring it and have better ventilation (no fanning was on it before or barely) which could explain the burning in the first place. Temp picture and humidity included as well (generally is in 40's with door closed.) and temp was higher in the 80's before and managed to cool it down over a few hours and different rigging. It probably is just light burn, but I am hoping for more opinions and really am not wanting to kill them since it is my first grow!!! There is a solution of flora grow series + B vitamin and they all 1/4 of the normal seedling dosage per gallon (w/ exception to the B vitamin which recieved 1/2 normal dose per gallon)... HELLPPPPP!!! :smile:

(update, temp is now down to 70-75 and added replaced have the water in the already nutrient solution with filtered and then dechlorinated water so that it is flushed).

how long till i see if its working and should i increase dark time for recovery too?

first hydroponics grow... or grow at all... its scary with babies only 12 days old!!! HELP kiss-ass



Well-Known Member
been there man, I'm not expert but Im pretty sure u should just not use nutes for like the first 3 weeks. just ph'd water. they don't look too bad though. I'd say nute burn, lights seem a bit far to burn especially for CFLs. Flush em!


Well-Known Member
yeah I flushed it yesterday with Molasses.. see what happens in the next 3 days I don't think its root rot.. i make sure the soil isn't wet everytime I water .. i don't spray..

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
If it is nutrient related I'd be leaning towards and immobile nutrient like Calcium or Phosphorus. Probably Calcium though. This could be the result of a pH issue. Have you calibrated recently?

Also, water softener can cause these issues if you are on tap water.

Careful with the molasses, it's not a cure all, get your EC up around .4 to .6 with a good base and ride it out until they hit a few nodes tall.