Brown Spots Making Me Nervous!

This is my first grow and I am seeing brown spots on the leaves.
I am growing outdoor in the Seattle area.
I moved my plants from 1 gallon plastic bag pots into 25 and 45 gallon fabric pots on May 25th.
I used organic raised bed potting soil from my local nursery.
I added perlite, worm castings and 7-4-9 Rainy Pacific Organic fertilizer and mycorrhizae.
It hasn't been very warm here and it has been a little rainy so I water 2 to 3 times a week with 2 to 3 gallons of artesian well water per plant.
I feed them once every two weeks with with a tea I brew from High Nitrogen Bat Guano, crab meal, fish bone meal, kelp meal and molasses.
I have been using "Neem Oil" every 3 or 4 days for almost two weeks.
I see some bugs. Dime sized spiders some red, some white. I see black flies. (I did see ONE whitish looking fly yesterday) I see a few earwigs here and there. There are some light green very thin moths and I see some tiny black bugs that I can easily see without magnification, there's not a lot of them but I can't tell what they are.
I am seeing the "brown spots" on leaves on my most of my plants it is making me very nervous I don't want this to get worse and I don't know what to do... PLEASE HELP!
chernobyl_chicken_pox1.JPG chernobyl_chicken_pox3.JPG pie_face.JPG pie_face_chicken_pox1.JPG pie_face_chicken_pox2.JPG pie_face_chicken_pox3.JPG

Thank You ALL For Any Help.
(Sorry I can't take better photos)
Give them a calcium supplement like calmag.
Hey! Thank You for your response.
I am feeding them "crab meal and kelp meal and fish bone meal" which seems like should be a pretty good source of "calcium" I think...? This is an organic grow up to this point so is there an organic "calmag" like substance You could recommend? Thanks Again!


Well-Known Member
you sure its not just rain drops formed on the leaves making little magnifying lenses when the sun comes out? It doesn't look like Cal deificiency
you sure its not just rain drops formed on the leaves making little magnifying lenses when the sun comes out? It doesn't look like Cal deificiency
I am NOT sure about anything I am totally NEW! This is my first ever grow and I don't want to screw it up.
I am seeing these spots on 9 of my twelve plants. So...? I don't know what to do and don't want this to get a whole lot worse without trying to figure what is going on.
Thank You ALL For Any Help!


Well-Known Member
Well its possible it is calcium I suppose, just looks very localised on the leaves and not usual in appearance.
Just seemed to be concentrated on the inner part of the leaf, the part which can hold droplets of water easiest.