Brown spots and slight discoloration on leaves, please help.


New Member
Hey all,

Been busy and didn't have the chance to look at the plants for a few days, came back to look at it today and it has odd looking brown spots on some of the leaves. Its pretty sporadic throughout, I can't pinpoint what might be going on, it doesn't seem to be light burn. I'm growing in hydroponics, using the technaflora starter success kit. I've been using this kit for a few years with amazing results, but this is the first time I'm seeing this. From some googling, I see this could be a magnesium problem? Or possibly calcium deficient? Someone had mentioned adding more MagiCal to my feedings. Any help is much appreciated, thank you! This is Cinderella 99 strain, if that helps any..

PS. I added a photo of my grow, it's at day 36, supposed to harvest at day 60. Do you think it looks a little scraggly, or is it average size for this timeline? I ask because it seems a little smaller in bud density than I'm used to. Should I clip out fan leaves to allow for more light penetration?

Thanks as always Rollitup!


Overall grow

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New Member
Maybe calcium deficiency.
Woah, that was a fast reply! Thanks for the input! I think maybe calcium deficient as well; I read that Cinderella 99 can handle more calcium with feedings. But it was late at night when I read that and I can't find the article now unfortunately.