Brown roots


Active Member
I've had 4 very good grows,and then I had a big problem and my whole room got infected and killed all my plants.Now I cant seem to grow anything Ive scrubbed and washed everything I could possibly think of.Now when I start growing they get about 6 inches high and the roots are still nice and white and then it happens the roots start turning like a tan color and start to get mushy and stay alive but hardley grow any taller any ideas please anyone? The cause of my problem was my mh bulb cracked but didnt blow and I couldnt figure out what was killing them and like an idiot I paniced and started moving plants from one area to another which infected everything. Why wont anything grow I was having such a good time growing now im so discusted I dont know what to do.These are areoponic systems that I made :neutral::confused:.


New Member
I've had 4 very good grows,and then I had a big problem and my whole room got infected and killed all my plants.Now I cant seem to grow anything Ive scrubbed and washed everything I could possibly think of.Now when I start growing they get about 6 inches high and the roots are still nice and white and then it happens the roots start turning like a tan color and start to get mushy and stay alive but hardley grow any taller any ideas please anyone? The cause of my problem was my mh bulb cracked but didnt blow and I couldnt figure out what was killing them and like an idiot I paniced and started moving plants from one area to another which infected everything. Why wont anything grow I was having such a good time growing now im so discusted I dont know what to do.These are areoponic systems that I made :neutral::confused:.
maybe a lil bit of light is getting into he root system,roots need TOTAL DARKNESS....ALWAYS


Active Member
Possibly will def give it a look.The only thing I haven't really changed anything between this grow versus first grow but will check closer thanks for the advice. Any other ideas would be great.


New Member
are your roots bunched together in a "glob"?
because i read that if you do a cross cut wit a sterilized knife that it'll promote root growth,try this on ONE plant then transfer it to a solitary container with a makeshift oxigenator by making tiny cuts along the air tube and stuffing one end wit candle wax or something and dropping it into the container with the single plant to stimulate the roots and use about half of the recommended dosage of the theory it should work,depending on the extent of the damage.....hope this works....and tell us weather it does or not

peace my dude