Brown Leaf Tips for Outdoor plant in T.O.


Hi all, Im a first timer to the thread, Im growing a plant outdoors in the Toronto area, Ive included a couple of pictures to show what I am encountering with the leaves. They are browning, starting at the tips as you can see then down the edges of the leaf and so on.

WHY IS THIS? too much water? not enough water? not enough sun? fert problem?

The plant is outdoors in the shown plastic pot from 10am until 8 pm and then brought indoors for the evening and over night. It is still sprouting new leaves all the time but Im concerned with the tips of the browning leaves...




Active Member
could have to do with ph... whats soil/fert u using? did u use nutes... shudnt for atleast a month.

how much water are u feeding them/ how often

shud water around every other day or longer. depending on how moist the soil is.

give us some more info


Cheap garden soil for a buck a bag from Walmart, took from the little cup it was in 3 weeks ago and put it in the shown plastic pot with the cheap soil. Watered it every 2 days for the first week then saw the the browning starting so I didnt water for the second week, it got worse ( the browning of the leaf tips) so week three last/this week I premixed some Miracle Gro in a spray bottle, sprayed the leaves and the soil 7 days ago and have watered with tap water once and it got rain water the second time earlier this week. The pictures were taken tonight. Full days of bright hot sunshine have been few and far between in southern ontario in July. The plant is about 16 inches tall, it was 10 inches tall 3 weeks ago.


Active Member
stem colour is ok.. usually that colour at small sizes... tbh in ur pics it doesnt look too bad, its normal for vegging plants to lose their lower leaves.. keep a steady watering, varying on weather... and i havent used MG... but everyone says not to... a hand ful of people have had luck with it.

but yeah, i wouldnt really worry about it. less it gets alot worse.


Active Member
oh yeah, make sure u ph your water... also let it stand out for atleast 24 hours for al lteh chlorine to get out of it..

and check ur soil ph if possible


how do I check the ph? what is the proper ph? what is the proper moisture for a plant in a pot this size?