Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption


Well-Known Member
I got it for 5 a gram, buying nutrient infested bud grown by some gang for 180 an ounce now thats a sham. All in all im really pleased with broken coast.
Hence why I know Its not grown by an LP @ 5/gram
Not sure which bikers or bugs your are referring to shrill?

Im glad you are pleased that you have had the wool pulled over your eyes. That will change again. Soon come.

Can't wait to see that same bud over again. :)


Well-Known Member
greasycanadian said:
I got it for 5 a gram, buying nutrient infested bud grown by some gang for 180 an ounce now thats a sham. All in all im really pleased with broken coast.
So broken coast grows with water only? I see your problem why are you buying from gangs?

Big Pauly

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3341807A while ago I made a post bitching about my LP. Formerly "GreenLeaf" A recall completely fucked them and left us without medication for a while. I was told it was simply because health canada has strict policies about some growth records and that they had not been kept. I believe it because it was good kush. Anyway they are back in business and im impressed, Some god kush. It stinks and taste's like God's 18 year old daughter Rebecca.

Ya, man. They or WMMC are getting my next script. Broken Coast is the ONLY LP to offer FULL refunds if the shit don't work.

Top that offrer, ANY other LP.
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Well-Known Member
I just got 75/g for $349 shipping and tax included....other then growing my own illegally. Where would you suggest I find good cannabis at that price ?
Not many like you in the MMPR system. You should be more appreciative than flaunting it out! I am happy that you can medicate within your budget, but not all patients were able to join that VIP compassionate pricing list.

johny sunset

Well-Known Member
Not many like you in the MMPR system. You should be more appreciative than flaunting it out! I am happy that you can medicate within your budget, but not all patients were able to join that VIP compassionate pricing list.
I totally agree for the most part. I am an anomaly in this system. But I don't think I'm flaunting anything by taking about how much I pay for my meds...more MMPR patients need to here this so they can demand better prices from their LP....or drop them and go to a Lp that does or compassionate plans...
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The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I just got 75/g for $349 shipping and tax included....other then growing my own illegally. Where would you suggest I find good cannabis at that price ?
First I've heard of anybody getting anything good for that price. Was it 4 a gram then ? Anyway what about those that don't have the bank roll to pay that ? What should they do ? I'm glad your happy, but that price is seldom heard of even then ...too much money.
At 4 bucks a gram many folks would need to spend over a grand 1K .. a month.
Why should I pay anyone that kind of money to do something I can do myself. So harplter and his LP friends can profit on sick folks...fuck you if your nodding yes.
I guess weed is all good now as long as dickster dkane and mariejane can make money on it eh....disgusting humans these types are.
MJ....It's only long as THEY make the cash huh...we see thru that logic.

johny sunset

Well-Known Member
I said it before and I'll say it again....everyone should be able to grow for them self. I did it for many years before outdoors. But now with my back and legal issues (minimum mandatory sentences) I can't and won't ......until I can do it legally that is.

I know some people on here would say no judge would ever charge a legit medical patient....maybe so. But, I don't know about you. But i don't have the thousands of dollars it would cost a lawyer to prove that in court for me. That's why I try to stay within the law. Or in this case the MMPR.

And when you say that all these " disgusting human beings"....LP people are making money of the patients backs....I say... what about all there's DG's CC and compassion clubs that are making 6 figures doing that exact same thing? The only difference I see is the LP's have actually rules and regulations to follow and pay tax. So let's call a spade a spade shall we....

Should any medical patient have to pay $13/g? No fucking way. But there doing it all damn day in dispensaries in Van and Toronto. But oh the humanity when a LP try's to sell at that price....and by the way. Who do you think has the higher mark up on that $13/g.... the LP with all the bullshit regulation or the DG growing out of his basement.....just saying.

If there's anybody to blame for this whole shit show that's the government.

End rant...

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I said it before and I'll say it again....everyone should be able to grow for them self. I did it for many years before outdoors. But now with my back and legal issues (minimum mandatory sentences) I can't and won't ......until I can do it legally that is.

I know some people on here would say no judge would ever charge a legit medical patient....maybe so. But, I don't know about you. But i don't have the thousands of dollars it would cost a lawyer to prove that in court for me. That's why I try to stay within the law. Or in this case the MMPR.

And when you say that all these " disgusting human beings"....LP people are making money of the patients backs....I say... what about all there's DG's CC and compassion clubs that are making 6 figures doing that exact same thing? The only difference I see is the LP's have actually rules and regulations to follow and pay tax. So let's call a spade a spade shall we....

Should any medical patient have to pay $13/g? No fucking way. But there doing it all damn day in dispensaries in Van and Toronto. But oh the humanity when a LP try's to sell at that price....and by the way. Who do you think has the higher mark up on that $13/g.... the LP with all the bullshit regulation or the DG growing out of his basement.....just saying.

If there's anybody to blame for this whole shit show that's the government.

End rant...
I've never paid more than $7 at a dispensory. I think those prices of 13 forinstance are way over priced and would not buy them.
But at least you can shop and buy or not.
Seriously johny if you don't see the differences between Lp's and CC's you need to look harder. Even mail order CC's will treat you better.
Lp's are a scourge and threaten in my eyes they are criminals....but I feel that way about most of the Gov as well. If I could I'd gather a bus full and jail them.
Wonder how they'd like my laws ?


Well-Known Member
Hippy I disagree on the point of mail order cc's.
Maybe the bccs and other long established cc's that
Also have a brick and mortar outlet would be viable.
One of the main arguments in favor of cc's
Is in person shopping vs mail order.
Personally I would never shop at an exclusively mail order cc,
Too much chance that youre supporting a bogus cc

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Hippy I disagree on the point of mail order cc's.
Maybe the bccs and other long established cc's that
Also have a brick and mortar outlet would be viable.
One of the main arguments in favor of cc's
Is in person shopping vs mail order.
Personally I would never shop at an exclusively mail order cc,
Too much chance that youre supporting a bogus cc
Lots of reliable ones to choose....You see Lp's are part of harptlers little plan of weed domination and I simply will never be on board with that. Unless it goes legal...then we can all play.
But if it goes legal for everyone but individuals...well that's where the shit will hit the fan.
If you buy support the fuhrer...simple as that. If you don't fight this get ready to loose.


Well-Known Member
Lots of reliable ones to choose....You see Lp's are part of harptlers little plan of weed domination and I simply will never be on board with that. Unless it goes legal...then we can all play.
But if it goes legal for everyone but individuals...well that's where the shit will hit the fan.
If you buy support the fuhrer...simple as that. If you don't fight this get ready to loose.
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I agree with most things you say hippy but hold on. Though that money does go to the LP's, I don't have the luxury of going to any store front CCS. I also know for a fact that my doc will never sign a document for a cc because he wants to operate 100% within the law. I also don't want to send a photo ID of myself to a cc that count potentially get raided.

I am 100% onboard with the fact that we should all have the right to obtain our meds from any source we choose, but this is my only option to stay 100% within the law..and like johny said.. I don't have money laying around to cover the legal fees.

The MMPR is a totally unconstitutional. I hope it gets refined in a fair and patient oriented manner. But you sound like homeland security. "If ya ba drugs,you support Al-Queduh"

This system has some people backed against the wall, whether you can see it or not. Its true. Some can't afford to step into that Grey area.