Broken Branch :(


New Member
I was tieing down branches to LST and a the braches on the next node down after the top broke from the stem but not all the way. Like it ripped. Will it recover? Its still connected and you couldnt tell its ripped unless i showed. Will it recover? Im in the 5th day of flower. Would it decrease my yeild?


Yes it will recover :) no worries in some case you could tape the branch if needed. Dont think it will affect the yeild that much.
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Well-Known Member
I even broke one of my plants stem while doing LST, boy did it ever grow back strong ha ha it's buffed all hard around the break point now

If all goes well the branch will recover, possibly even much stronger than before


Active Member
Had tons of branches snap just from bud weight and they finished fine. I have even had them snap where they attach to the main branch and just a piece of skin was holding them on.
I started using tomato cages to keep them upright.


Well-Known Member
Duct tape it! It should heal up just fine, just make sure to loosen the tape after a few days to allow growth to continue