bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?

WoW! I just wrote alot on marijuana use during pregnancy because of what matticus said, and everthing fucked up and it's all gone! I'm so fucking agrivated right now!

The gist of it: There has been no scientific evidence to conclude that using marijuana during pregnancy has any negative effects on the baby. The closest andbody has come that I've seen is mere speculation. It is the smoke in general that is bad for the baby, just like ANY kind of smoke would be, not the marijuana. It would be perfectly alright to have a tincture, or edible, or have a little vape session while your pregnate for nausia or whatever. After every 'fact' you read saying it's not ok to do, you will see some parenthesis and the fallowing (There is no evidence so far, however ect...) They are always, ALWAYS using words like "might" or "sometimes" or "maybe" nothing is ever set in stone when it comes to marijuana use during pregnancy.

Here, matticus, go read this: Then go read all the coments underneath it... You'll catch what I'm talking about.

Sorry to get off topic here BongBitch420, it just really agrivates me when someone tells someone to do something (or not to do something for that matter) just because they 'THINK' it is either correct, or incorrect.....

I went with a friend who was pregnate to the doc for a check up. She told the doc that she like to smoke cannabis, and it helps with the nausia. The doctor said to both of us, to our faces, that there has been no conclusive evidence to support the fact that marijuana usage during pregnancy is bad for the baby. This coming from an MD, I believe him.....

Anyways, sorry again to get off topic!
Tell you BF he needs to get his priorities straight.
I hope everything works out fantastically for you! I really do!


P.S. Is it a boy or a girl?
i find out on may 3rd if im having a boy or a girl. the last time that i was supposed to find out, the baby didnt want to let us see. haha

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
holy crap, this is the worst idea ever. He is already counting the money from his first grow and I doubt he's even got plants in the ground. Listen, any grow is going to cost WAY more than $100 in the long run, as he does it and figures out all the other stuff he's gonna need. On top of which he just sounds like a complete idiot, period. If he fucks up once and kills his crop, what's he going to do? Wait another two-three months before that investment, money you and him NEED, is paid back?

What if someone smells it and calls the cops?

What if someone robs you?

I'm sorry, more than just the fact that he's growing he sounds stupid, lazy and unreliable. You said you wanted comments, and this is internet so I'm giving you my opinion. Let him know it's either the baby or the plants in the house. If he wants to grow on another property or outside that's fine. But there's NO WAY one or more of your parents aren't going to find out when they visit. I'm sure they would either tell the cops or threaten to. He's already told 7 people!!! probably more. He's probably spent way more than $100 on it already as well. He needs to move the operation OUT OF YOUR HOUSE. or you should leave him. I promise you it won't end well if you let him keep it up. Why would you risk the future of your child?
my child isnt involved because it is not born yet, that it why i am addressing this right now instead of later on. he is also only in the state where they just started popping up out of the dirt, so it doesnt smell yet.
i have already stated that i will not be staying here with him if he doesnt get rid of them.

i just posted on here because i wanted to show him that even growers wouldnt do what he is thinking about doing.
but thank you for your opinion.(:


Well-Known Member
Time to grow up. Tell him that this grandmother says his job right now is to find a job. He should be spending 8 hours everyday job searching and interviewing. Any job is better than no job. I am more likely to hire the young man who has worked at a fast food job while trying to find a job in his field, rather than someone who makes excuses and has a big gap of time on his resume. Honey, You and the baby come first, hobbies come AFTER he secures a job. Practicing illegal hobbies in the home where there are children should NOT be an option. Sounds like this young man of yours wasn't taught by his father .............if you were my daughter, I would suggest that it may be best for you and baby to head on home to mom and dad.
thank you for the input debbie1950-
i believe his father did teach him right (and he continues to try to tell him what to do and how to do it). i just dont think he has ever listened.
& my parents have said the same thing you just said. i guess its just the fact that i wanna see if he will change before i end the relationship and stuff.


Active Member
holy crap, this is the worst idea ever. He is already counting the money from his first grow and I doubt he's even got plants in the ground. Listen, any grow is going to cost WAY more than $100 in the long run, as he does it and figures out all the other stuff he's gonna need. On top of which he just sounds like a complete idiot, period. If he fucks up once and kills his crop, what's he going to do? Wait another two-three months before that investment, money you and him NEED, is paid back?

What if someone smells it and calls the cops?

What if someone robs you?

I'm sorry, more than just the fact that he's growing he sounds stupid, lazy and unreliable. You said you wanted comments, and this is internet so I'm giving you my opinion. Let him know it's either the baby or the plants in the house. If he wants to grow on another property or outside that's fine. But there's NO WAY one or more of your parents aren't going to find out when they visit. I'm sure they would either tell the cops or threaten to. He's already told 7 people!!! probably more. He's probably spent way more than $100 on it already as well. He needs to move the operation OUT OF YOUR HOUSE. or you should leave him. I promise you it won't end well if you let him keep it up. Why would you risk the future of your child?
wtf...i love how dramatic you are here...what was your motivation lol....NO WAY the parents wont find it? Come on...hes not growing it on the dinner table lol...of course it can be hidden...

I mean i dont think the parents would call the cops either lol.

Your post takes some plausible points and blows them way out of proportion. Chill is easy to hide a small grow like this.

Im not posting to say he should grow, the OP knows that. But if you want to make points, make them valid.

Hes said he will man up, and they have decided on a week trial..sounds like they have it all sorted out!

Tell him when he gets a job and you guys can get a house with better hiding areas, he can grow...might just motivate him even more!
yeah. i was thinking of telling him that. as long as its only a personal stash, we have the money to pay for the extra lights, the has a full time job & it can be hidden, nearly smell-less, and out of the way so that the child wont find it.


Active Member
im in the EXACT situation u r. my girl is due in august too lol.
a stealth grow would be okay but i think when he finally hold the baby in his arms everything will change. and we r only growin till our baby boy arrives. anything not finished will be harvested early or turned into hash.



Active Member
or locked :D...gotta say that you are a fantastic girl. You arent making a demand, you are asking for a compromise..."you can grow...just not right now". And all the stuff he has purchased can be stored too.

Our baby wouldnt get in the right position for the neck measurement thing lol...took ages to get it right. I hope we find out the sex! (less than 2 weeks to go for us). If they dont ind it at the hospital, we are also getting those 3d ultrasounds done..they will find out there for us guaranteed!
prot3us1- hah. wow. i wish my boyfriend could see it like that. he has just been yelling at me about how "everything is always my way or the highway". lol. i thought i was compromising too. he seems to think im the worst girlfriend ever right now and that i dont care about what he has to say or what he wants to do. so its good to know im not being that big of a bitch. lol.(:

haha. yeah, i agree. 3D is almost guaranteed to find out the sex. p.s. congrats on the pregnancy for you.(:


New Member
my suggestion is to abadon the indoor around the baby for sure, outdoor is actually much better and easier for a beginner, just tell him to do outdoor, he can go walk way out in the woods and randomly plant some small plants and they require very little care, he shouldnt go back to the plants untill harvest time once 2 cents....get em out of house and get his medical card


Well-Known Member
havent ready anything but the thread title.. but i suggest keeping tight to the restricted limit. and keep it outta site, outta mind as far as the "lady" is concerend.. if she dosent know about it, its kinda hard to prove otherwise.


Active Member
I think you are insane if you would even consider doing anything illegal that could result in your newborn being hurt, taken away, etc. Really, is growing weed even remotely as important as being in your child's life? I think the answer is obvious here, anything less is just irresponsible in my opinion.

If you like/want to grow weed - do it legally and safely. If you can't - then don't. The cost does not even come close to outweighing the potential benefits.


Active Member
prot3us1- hah. wow. i wish my boyfriend could see it like that. he has just been yelling at me about how "everything is always my way or the highway". lol. i thought i was compromising too. he seems to think im the worst girlfriend ever right now and that i dont care about what he has to say or what he wants to do. so its good to know im not being that big of a bitch. lol.(:

It should be "your way or the highway..." - you're the Mom! Don't let him turn this back onto are not a bitch for wanting to avoid losing your baby to the system or wanting your family to have transportation or be somewhat financially secure. That's what motherhood is all about...protecting your baby.

Here's what I did - I began looking at everything based on...can I manage this myself? I became totally self reliant and anything Frank provided was just gravy. I think he realized one day that we could just cut him out and that our lives might even be easier without him dragging us down. That is when...I think...he turned around.

The thing that worries me the most about your situation is that I think it's pretty likely the family will find out. are correct....once you have the baby all these grandmas will come poking around your house. They say they are there to "help" or to "see the baby" - but they are really there to make sure your house is clean and you are not losing your mind with a new born.

I'll fix the PM thing. Hang in there!!!
