Breeding flow chart


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I got this right, so feel free to correct me.

(the whole F1 vs F2 stuff had me confused when reading, though a visual aide would make sense)



Well-Known Member
that graph is crazy lookin but yea i think its right lol hahahaha honestly its more confusing to me to see that than read it lol


Well-Known Member

You may enjoy this page... gives an overview of what you discussed without goin into deep biology...

It is no joke to attempt breeding...
I quote
"Crosses among ten pure strains (ten staminate and ten pistillate parents) result in ten pure and ninety hybrid crosses. "

Thats less than 10% pure strains... I.e. 90% "wasted" effort and materials...

"The seeds with which most cultivators begin represent varied genotypes even when they originate from the same floral cluster of marijuana, and not all of these genotypes will prove favorable. Seeds collected from imported shipments are the result of totally random pollinations among many genotypes. If elimination of pollination was at tempted and only a few seeds appear, the likelihood is very high that these pollinations were caused by a late flowering staminate plant or a hermaphrodite, adversely affecting the genotype of the offspring. Once the offspring of imported strains are in the hands of a competent breeder, selection and replication of favorable phenotypes by controlled breeding may begin. Only one or two individuals out of many may prove acceptable as parents. "

Has some interesting tips like selecting the first bloomers to help make it a faster flowering strain... And I'm not sure if this was the page (don;t feel like rereading now), but it discussed how the indoor lights used actualy make people select the wrong specimens for further breeding, under some light the lower THC plants will flourish more and will look the most robust...leading you to ignore the big babies.