Breeding Beneficial Bacteria and Microbes

I like the Epsoma's Biotone Starter Plus, which has many beneficial bacteria, endo and ecto mychorrizhae, and humates and other soil ammendments (Feathermeal, Dehydrated Manure, Bone Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Greensand, Humates, Crab Meal, Cocoa Meal & Sulfate Of Potash Magnesia). I usually get the 25lb. bag for $40 and use 4 cups of the product per bale of soil; so a 25# bag goes along way.


AN's piranha and tarantula supplies beneficial fungi and bacteria. Piranha specially developed for root growth and tarantula for plants growth. Ultimately both are root enhancing products. AN offers money back guarantee. So their product should be good


Well-Known Member
Compost tea. Compost tea. Compost tea. Read up on them! I won't get too detailed here because there is a sea of info out there. Stop wasting your money on all of these expensive products! You need to look no further than one double handful of compost, 2tbsp of unsulphured molasses and 5 gal of dechlorinated water. This is the simplest form of a compost tea and there are lots of other organic goodies that you can add to tweek your tea. You will need a $15 aquarium pump and an air stone as well. Your initial cost will be around $30 but you can literally make hundreds of gallons of compost tea for this price. The tea will be alive with a large number of bacteria and fungi and will be way more diversified than any product on the shelf. 5 gallons of tea can be diluted to make 25 gallons of usable product or can be used undiluted. Happy growing:)


Active Member
I always pre treat, or cycle my water with microbes before introducing it into the rhizosphere.
A pinch of EWC and or living dirt into a 5 gallon bucket. bubble for 24 hours.
You know you have successfully grew aerobic bacteria if a slime is coating everything. I also noticed aerobic bacteria prefers a ph over 7.
Anerobic bacteria and fungus prefer a lower PH.

My water goes in between 6.5 and 8 *max nutrient, no nutrient.
I used a 50/50 coco/organic peat soil.
My ph issue does seem under control now.
The roots are always super fuzzy, thick, and bright white. Thats new.


You should also look into using Rootshield (thrichoderma) and Met52 (metarhizium) for disease and pest control.
They are rather expensive though.


Well-Known Member
You should also look into using Rootshield (thrichoderma) and Met52 (metarhizium) for disease and pest control.
They are rather expensive though.
or just make your own as all the other posts suggest. way cheaper , way more alive , way fresher...ect....



Well-Known Member
you guys should check out the organic section.

It is not all dirty hippies and weirdoes and there is a lot of great information that can free you from the expense of store bought nutes.