BreakNeck vs. oJUICEBOXo | LED vs. HPS.


Calyx LED
Let's go!

Let's quit bullshitting and step up to the plate. I'll leave it up to you. Pick container sizes, and whether or not we go from seed or clone. We start the same day. Final dry weight determines the winner.

I will be running 1 plant under 1 of my 300w LED panels.


Calyx LED
Thanks brother. Like I said, he could blow me outta the water, whose to say. I know what I can do with my shit and supposedly dude does as well. This should be an equal run am I wrong? 300w LED vs whatever fucking HPS he can find... sounds fair to me. 1 plant vs. 1 plant.


Calyx LED
Oh and don't be shy to bump the thread up ;) If you get to it b4 I do... bring it to the top. Dude needs to surface...