Brand new baby plant


So my seedling finally sprouted and popped through the ground two days ago. But it hasnt grown anymore, the leaves havent opened up yet and its still just a few centimeters high. Is this normal? Or should it be bigger by now? Im starting to get worried its just going to stay that small and die. Im also worried it might be over water, could that cause it not to grow?


Well-Known Member
It's normal for a seedling to slow growth when the first set of serrated leaves come out. It is focusing on building up a large root system.


hello how many time u water your plant?
Well before I put the sprouted seedling in the soil, i made sure it was real moist and had good water in it. Then I put plastic wrap over the top and waited for it to pop through the surface. When it did, i took off the plastic and kinda just sprinkled a little water on top of the soil, not alot, and the next day I sprinkled a bit more. I havent added anymore water though. Right now the soil is moist, not to wet not to dry i dont think.


It's normal for a seedling to slow growth when the first set of serrated leaves come out. It is focusing on building up a large root system.
No serrated leaves have sprouted yet though, its just a tiny little sprout with the seed head still on, its semi opened and I can see the to sets of tiny leaves in the middle, but it hasnt opened up all the way yet.


Oh and also, im leaving my lights on 24/0 right now. Should I change that or is it okay for the first week or so?


Her side leaves are starting to poke out a bit more, but it still hsant opened up yet. The seed casing at the top of the sprout is holding it together still i think.


Yea! Thats what my baby looks like, although the side leaves havent popped out that much yet and the steam is actually a purpleish color. Is that normal?


Well-Known Member
If you can, CAREFULLY remove the shell with tweezers. Sometimes you need to help the seedling out a bit. Yes it's normal for seedlings stems to be purple. That should go away once real roots start growing and it grows more leaves.