brainstorming for next years outdoor stealth grow


so i was thinking about growing weed in trees. starting from this idea i automaticly tought of getting some autopots(the type that water themselves) to minimise the number of climbs, and also getting some climbing gear and build a platform on the top of the trees so it can hold 1-2 pots of pot. this would be insane because the exposure to sun would be maximum and it would be a very stealthy setup in the woods. also i would love to hear how people grow in trees and also any idea on this subject, nomather how insane it sounds, in the idea that more brains is better than one lol. peace and really looking forward to see this thread develop.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good idea to me. Just make sure they don't get blown down. Maybe some chicken wire? More exposed to birds, and squirrels? If you don't have a good place in your yard to hide it sounds perfect.


so i've tough about building like an horizontal platform or smething to put the pots on, still thinking about how to water them without climbing so often. any ideas ? peace


Well-Known Member
so i've tough about building like an horizontal platform or smething to put the pots on, still thinking about how to water them without climbing so often. any ideas ? peace
Attach some sort of rope and pulley system so you don't have to climb so high. LOL Someone last year got busted doing this in a tree. He had burlap
around the plant so it was pretty easy to see.


This is not a good have to think what its going to look like from above, i think the choppers will have your crop next year..........all that hard work for nothing....


i dont really have choppers here where i live looking for weed, also i was thinking about useing a tree from a forest
so like theres many trees there, so dont think the plant will be seen so easily. However im still trying to figure out how to do this, any hints or ideas will be apreciated, maybne someone who already did this may enlighten us... -peace