Bp sucks!!!


Well-Known Member
My only criticism is that we have not gotten other nations involved, who is to say there isn't some German scientist with a solution

Or japan has seen this before and did.......

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I swear this is all a damn nightmare right?
I am dreaming right, please tell me it's all
just a dream...................please.
We are led and do business with the most
dumb as people in the world. Why are we
not ruling the world? You know us enlighten
ones, we all have burnt one and solved all
the world's problems many times over right...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
it sucks cause i have a ford, and on the gas cap its like " use BP gas". I dont use BP but it sucks knowing my car company is in cahoots with bp


Well-Known Member
I was talking with a friend about this and when the 1st big hurricane happens in the south things are going to be very shiny and oily

I can see it raining oil already


Well-Known Member
oil doesn't go up into the atmosphere, but i can see with the storms how it will be spread all over. its like, "hey americans, you want oil? hahah, heres your fuckin oil!"

this whole thing stinks, and one part of me yells "CONSPIRACY"