bout to make my first bho and have a few noob questions

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, i just bought a glass tube extracter from the head shop, and a few cans of x5 filtered butane.

My main question is, how the heck do i use this extracter lol. ive seen vids, looks easy enough. Mine is like a long tube, and on one end there are 5 holes, the other end is open. So i know i stuff the green in the open side obviously. But which side am i suppose to put the butane in? is there like another piece i need to put over the open end? Or are the 5 holes on the other end where i stick the butane? Or are those 5 holes suppose to be drain holes for the butane?

I would really appreciate ur help. ill +rep(if i can figure out how) and like all your comments lol. im anxious to get this going


New Member
sounds like youre missing the rubber plug with a hole in it that goes in the open end, which allows you to spray butane through it. kinda something like seen on this:$(KGrHqNHJDEE7zHG5I-yBPGPGPDdmQ~~60_35.JPG

the 5 holes sound like a drain end... id put 2 or 3 coffee filters over the 5 holes end, nice and tight, and use a hose clamp, or a ton of elastics, strong ones that come on brocolli or something. or maybe even some tape if this is just a temp thing till you can really figure something out. cut off any excess filter.

freeze your butane before hand.. recudes fumes while spraying which reduces explosion... also, its no fun breathing in butane the whole time.. freezing keeps it liquid.


Well-Known Member
vacpurge has a good idea. I can't help but imagine its a fat tube and the multiple holes are for you to be able to get the butane all over?

Why not post a picture to satisfy my curiosity.


Active Member
I've seen one of these before. Yes the multiple holes are considered the exit. Wrap a single coffee filter over the outside and secure it with a zip tie nice and tight. No need to worry about a blow out because the material can't fit through the holes so a single filter will surfise. Yes pack the material in the open end. There should be a rubber stopper or fitted glass piece to cap it with and stick the plastic port in. The one I saw like this was a big tube for 100 grams or so.

Freeze the whole tube for at least 2 days but a week is better. Yes freeze the butane! And for god sake please do this outside!!!!!!


Active Member
Now that I see the pics that tube is tiny and your missing a piece. I'd get one that has the open part but only one hole for the port on the other side. You stuff the material in the hole then put a couple coffee filters over the open end that you put the material in. See how the open ends flanged out. That helps hold the zip tie or hose clamp in place so it doesn't slip off if it was the other kind with one hole.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
ok on my way back to the head shop for the rubber cap. just regular coffe filters will work fine?. i have plastic twist ties, im guessing ill need metal ones tho? im just gona buy them anyway just in case. on my way now. thnx again!


New Member
yeah if youre going to the head shop, id be buying a whole new tube, that end doesnt look easy to work with. sucks they probably wont let you return it.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
yeah if youre going to the head shop, id be buying a whole new tube, that end doesnt look easy to work with. sucks they probably wont let you return it.
ugh just got back from the head shop, they dont have a rubber piece for it, the dude didnt even kno what it was for. no refunde :(

i went to another headshop, way better service, every1 there told me i got fucked basically, and sold me an awsome ectracting kit, comes with metal clamp, silk screen, and the tube for 19.99. that other tube was 30$ D: so i think im good now. now i just need to figure out how much butane i use per grams of trim


New Member
its approx 1 can per oz. maybe 2 cans if its super crystally. and you can always try a second run the next day.... or do 5 runs... save the rinsed weed. and try re running all 5 washes at once sorta thing. most the time ive found I can squeeze out another gram or 2 of oil... but it usually tastes kinda gross. gets ya high I guess, and if it were winterized, I dont see anything wrong with it.

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
winterized is a like a whole new word for me. ill have to do my research on that lol. this new tube i got looks like i can maybe stuff 7 grams in, idk. so ill just try to use a quarter can per stuffed tube?


New Member
yes, use a coffee filter just in case, they NEVER hurt and you cant really have enough, within reason. 2 or 3 is the perfect amount, depending how thick they are. also try to use unbleached ones(the brown filters).

looks like thats a female glass on glass piece?? otherwise yeah that will work. id still use a coffee filter though.

winterizing... wish someone woulda done it like this to me:
its basically dissolving your finished oil (or unfinished) in EVERCLEAR (or other stuff, but I only know everclear). then freezing it, which causes the plant waxes and other band stuff to coagulate (solidify). for 24 hours.

you then simply pour it through a coffee filter (unbleached if possible). and try to keep it cold, as it takes 5 mins to drain and 2 mins to warm up... not good. let it drain in the freezer, set something up and practice.

once its drained, re evap your liquid... honey oil, same as before minus the plant waxes, which you will see are very significant after a few hours in the freezer.

I prefer to evap it on a very very light heat (80F) with a fan on it.. for like 6 hours. then vac purge for 12 hours on 100F or so heat. the everclear takes a while to evap, but once its gone, the oil is amazingly smooth. no more struggling to inhale after a toke without a complete coughing fit and a burning chest for 20 mins afterwards with continued coughing fits. those plant waxes DO DAMAGE to your lungs, plus they really fuckin hurt too!!!!!!

this is what I pulled out of like 2-3 grams of oil... theres a lot of plant waxes there!


Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
ok im making it right now lol. this is whats going on. i stuffed the tube, not too tight, but pretty tight, im guessing 7 grams maye more. im guessing i used a querter can. almost as soon as i get the butane flowing, it comes out the bottom almost instant, and theres no more color when it comes out, just seems to be clear. also it looks like some good goey oil forming, but but theres also a cloudy substance where most of the butane dried up. im guessing thats normal and safe to smoke? also i wonder when is the soonest i can smoke this stuff with it being safe. ANd, lol can i smoke it using hot knife method?, ive never smoked hash before!! lol
