Bought new lights and i had a question


Active Member
If i live in the U.S. and just bought new lights, does that mean that im going to be put on some kind of list


Active Member
who knows? i think the more important question is, how much shit did you buy and where... one or two low or medium power lights probably isnt a huge flag but if you just bought like several 600watt lights then you might have drawn some unwanted attention. try not to look pro...


Active Member
i bought one of the Dual Spectrum 65 High Output lights from Stealth Hydro and I had it sent to my house, is that something to worry about or should i be ok



Well-Known Member
it it totally depends on how much shit you bought, and where you bought them.... did the owners seem pot friendly? cause even though all shop owners know what most of their customers use the shit for, some are not pot friendly, and DO keep track of customers, or hand over CC info to cops. I would be extremely careful, keep you numbers low for a while at least. check your laws, most states have a progressive number of plants, stay in the lowest level for as long as you can take it.


Well-Known Member
Lights are legal in America (for the time being anyways). If you are in fact on a "list" it is a huge list.

I don't worry at all.