Bottom leaves yellow, and dying. 15" Tall. Pics*

Been going for approximately 2 months. The soil was something a friend had sitting in his back yard so I can't say how good it is.
I started using FoxFarm big grow 2 weeks ago, and it seems like the rest of the plant is in good shape. But the bottom leaves started turning yellow and dying a few days ago.

I really have no idea what the problem is here so... Please guys could you help a brother out? Opinions?



Well-Known Member
thats what it looks like, i use liquid drop ph tester and it works great and doesnt require batteries and it dont break also its only 5 dollors, but if u dont think its the ph its ok, cuz im not an expert but i know quite abit, and that looks like a ph problem hope u figure it out good luck


Well-Known Member
dont sweat it dude plant looks fine. lower leafs r going to do that just make sure it does not progress up the plant. 2 things what kind of container is that and does it have drainage holes? I would get it in a standard 2 gallon plastic pot about a $1.50. Also mixture looks lite on perlite be careful watering when u skimp on the perlite. let it dry even let the plant wilt a little before watering. not having perlite or much can make soil soggy and not dry well. this can really get the problems started. once the plant gets a little bigger u will find u can get away with more abuse.


Well-Known Member
lower leaves will die off as they dont get the light they want, specially wen under a bush like that1 nice 1 bud i wud switch to a bigger light if u have 1 or are u going to flower under the fluro ?


Well-Known Member
in my opinion (if tight on money) rather than invest in ph stuff use the money for a pot, bag of perlite and small bag of soil. probably around 10 dollars.
lower leaves will die off as they dont get the light they want, specially wen under a bush like that1 nice 1 bud i wud switch to a bigger light if u have 1 or are u going to flower under the fluro ?
I'm thinking i'll try and bloom them with the T5 bloom spectrum bulbs. If it doesn't bud to my liking i'll probably switch to an HPS setup.
u can obviosly see the yellowing continuing up the plant,
Yeah it definitly is looking like it's moving up to the next big fan leaves. :(
in my opinion (if tight on money) rather than invest in ph stuff use the money for a pot, bag of perlite and small bag of soil. probably around 10 dollars.
A friend gave me the pot, and I have no idea what it's all about. You think it will be alright to transplant it? How would I go about transplanting?
If this doesn't go so well I guess I don't mind giving it another go. I just think this plant was lookin so good before...


Well-Known Member
transplanting is easy dont worry about hurting it. u can be rough on those roots as long as u do not tear the ones closer to the plant. just dig it out or dump it out. but give it a little thought before u do it. since this is ur first time i am sure u will be exceptionally careful. these plants r tough its a weed. but get it out of that pot and mix a POTTING SOIL and bag of perlite 50/50 or so at least 30 percent u want good drainage.


Well-Known Member
just get the cheap back pots with drainage holes at the bottoms. they r the best u can get at local hardware store. i would get a 2 or 3 gallon, both if u can that way u can transplant up in a few weeks.
just get the cheap back pots with drainage holes at the bottoms. they r the best u can get at local hardware store. i would get a 2 or 3 gallon, both if u can that way u can transplant up in a few weeks.
Ok getting a new plastic pot, one bag of Perlite, and a bag of soil. Thanks alot for your input. Hope this goes well.
May be pH, although it is probably a Nitrogen
I've been giving it FoxFarm nutes. It says it has nitrogen in it. Is that not good enough?

Also one last question. Will MG organic soil be a good choice?


Well-Known Member
if u r showing symptoms and feeding than the problem is something else. roots need air as well as water if they have wet feet all the time ph will be thrown off causing all kinds of symptoms.


Well-Known Member
it will be great. u do not want the roots to stay wet all the time. roots need air repeat roots need air. let them dry out completely before u water again. test urself and see how long u can go. the pot should feel empty before watering again almost ike there is nothing in them. u will figure it out. water when u transfer then let them go until they wilt a little this will give u a good feel of what dry means. u will not harm it. it will perk up quickly.
Alright I got it transplanted yesterday. Went as well as could be expected. I put a good layer of perlite and soil on the bottom. The plant came out with a big pot shaped chunk at the bottom.
I filled the edges of this new pot with soil, and gave it a good half gallon of water. It seems to be draining nicely. I can't tell if it's helping yet but hope it goes well.

Do you think the plant being that close to the side could be a problem? It seems alright to me but i'm unsure. I also think i'm going to have to tie some branches down soon.

