Botanicare Sweet


Well-Known Member
I am interested in adding some type of sugar nute to my plants while flowering. Came across an article about Botanicare Sweet in High Times and wanted to see if anyone has used it before. If so I would like to hear some feedback. Here is a link to the product. I am going to see if my local gardening center has it.

Botanicare Sweet Berry Qt by Horizen Hydroponics


Well-Known Member
Hey dude. I use that along with liquid karma. I used it for veg and flower because that was what i was told to do. I probably should of read up on it to see if it should only be used to flower. Either way I don't have a basis for comparison because its my first grow. I can say though that my plants seemed to have grown very fast, and at 25 days flowering they resemble other plants (that I've seen in pics) that are well into 30's and 40's days of flowering. Maybe I just got lucky on the strain though.


Well-Known Member
how do you really know if anything improves your crop unless you do side by side controlled tests?

i use it. i swear by the sugars. it just sounds good.


Well-Known Member
how do you really know if anything improves your crop unless you do side by side controlled tests?

i use it. i swear by the sugars. it just sounds good.
I'm assuming that you are asking me this question.
If you read my post properly you would notice that I said that I had no basis for comparison, AND my good results so far could just be the strain I'm growing. However, I've seen pics of my strain at the same point in flowering and later, and mine seem to have denser colas. This is possibly on indication that this stuff helps, not a certainty. I was answering his question by saying, yes I use it, and at best it definitely couldn't hurt.
I never said it improves my crop for sure. You must be smoking some good shit.


Well-Known Member
i use sweet from day one it helps to achive the dwarfing i love to see in my clones
it eases the stress from the transition to flowering also and helps keep your plants from getting leggy


Just some idiot
I don't start using til transition between vegging and flowering. Maybe next grow I'll start from begininng


Well-Known Member
I am a believer in Sweet...Havent compared it to Molasses yet....But the sugars are like Creatine for for your plant.

I used for about a week so far....on sickly plants....and the plants are hitting a spurt....sick leaves and all.


Active Member
This is my third grow. I've used the bitanocare grow, base, flower nutes, but this is my first grow with adding the sweet and karma. So far I would say it has made a big difference! I've added it slowly, over some days so as not to burn them.. I think I'm around 800 ppm right now. But I think I am going to continue to use the sweet and karma from about third set of leaves from seed.


Active Member
Just dont add too many things at once. especially when they young. ive made that mistake before. now i add say, bloom and karma on one water and then bloom and sweet on the next. or whatever, i just dont add all three. keep in mind i mix my nutes 1 gal at a time and top feed by hand. maybe its ok to mix all three in your res, i dont know.


Well-Known Member
Ive used sweet but switched to GH flora nectar fruit fusion and like it better than sweet. they all have raw cane sugars and such.


Well-Known Member
And why is that fdd?
because hes seen the light. nute companies have the marijuana cultivation world by the short and curlys. they have you all thinking that we need to grow this plant differently that every other plant we grow so easily.

besides, you can get everything thats in a gallon of sweet for about $4.50 at the grocery store.

Fallen Buckshot

yah and some people on here think that ONLY hydrostore nutes will work for growin ganj .. anything from a garden center at 1/2 the price wont work/well lol


Well-Known Member
it's all bullsh*t or i have magic powers.

i used age old VEG and age old GROW. that is all. IMG_9074.jpg

it's all in the GENETICS. :hump::clap:


Botanicare Plant Energy ProdÜcts are the bomb!
The Sweet and Citrus All Natural carbohydrate synthesizer additives should be used in all stages of plant growth.
Id say Its results are comparable to Advanced Nutrients Carbo Load, but not as thick a substance as Carbo Load.
as far as increased bud size and strength in branches and stems, it works!
However, the sweet additive from Botanicare smells really good in the bottle... and in the produced plants!
especially if you use areoponics or fogponics..
after adding Sweet to the nutrient Reservoir, the entire grow room smells like sooo sweet its amazing.
More Info @