boomer growers please enter


Well-Known Member
Ok just got back from class.

This recipe is really simple it's for one 105 quart monotub:

What you need:

I get 2, clear 105 quart rubbermaid containers at walmart.

I buy a 3 pack (3 bricks) of coco bricks at petsmart, they're used for reptile bedding. Each brick expands to 2 gallons when wet.

Calcium sand which I think is in the reptile section in a pet shop.

2 gallons of vermiculite which you can find at a garden store. I bought 4 cubic feet of that stuff for something like 30 bucks you can find it at the hydro store as well.

a jar of instant coffee, I think a large jar is 8 ounces.

A bag of polyfil, which is pillow stuffing and can be found at Walmart as well.

A large bottle of rubbing alcohol.

A roll of paper towels.

A two foot fluorescent light fixture and a daylight bulb. You can use compact fluorescent as well as long as it is a daylight cfl (6500K). You don't need a lot of light for shrooms for each tub. I use one two foot fixture, which is 1, I think 23 watt bulb.

I use generic black 30 gallon trash bags

Industrial 50 gallon black plastic bags, I like thick ones, I get the thickest ones they have which is usually 3 mm thick

A power drill

An attachment for the drill that cut's holes

Alright you have all of your supplies, I would recommend some large pots I have 2, 2 gallon and 1, 5 gallon pot.

1st clean the inside and lid of both tubs with warm soapy water, use a fresh sponge.

Set one tub aside for now...

In one of the tubs put in the following:

-3 coco coir bricks in one of the tubs, it's ok if the tub is still wet

- 8 ounces of instant coffee

-2 large tablespoons of calcium sand

-1.5 to 2 gallons of vermiculite

Now get out all your large pots and boil some water.

**What you are doing is pasteurizing the bulk substrate, which is around 160 to 170F. Some people never let the water get above this temp, but I've never bothered. I found a more simple tek. I've been using it for a 10 or so months now. Some people will disagree with this but it's worked just fine for me.**

Ok, your water has come to a rolling boil, take it straight from the stove

- pour it onto the coco bricks and other stuff in the tub

-once some water has expanded the bricks, break them up, stirring everything together

Keep pouring in boiling water

-Once the mixture has reached a stew like consistency you have enough water, when everything is settled there should be at least 2 or 3 inches of water above the mixture.

Let this sit with the top on until it cools down just enough so you can handle it, do not let it get cold, if it sits too long in the mixture bacteria will form.
While everything is cooling off, which will take somewhere around 4 to 5 hours or so, it's time to prep your other monotub

Prepping Your Monotub

Take the power drill and attach 2 inch circular blade on it

You're going to want to drill 6 , 2 inch holes around the tub around four inches from the bottom.

I drill one hole at either short end and 2 holes evenly spaced out on the long sides.

Don't apply to much pressure or the tub will crack, if it does it's no big deal

Get out all of the plastic bits from the inside of the tub

Dry the inside of the tub out with a paper towel

Take a fresh paper towel soak it with rubbing alcohol and thoroughly wipe the inside and the lid of the tub.

set the lid on top of the tub leaving the tub exposed to air and let dry.

Take a couple of trash bags and lay the on the bottom of the tub, you want to fully cover the bottom and bottom part of the walls on the tub. Ideally you want the bags to cover around 4 inches of the wall.

with a new alcohol soaked paper towel wipe the exposed parts of the bags, leave the lid cracked and let dry.

I am pretty stoned at this point, so I will continue this post later tonight or tom, if you need clarification ask away

To be continued...
Thanks allot GB I look forward to the to be continued. I will study this for the 2 or 3 weeks until my tax return money comes so I know what im doing. That place the is really foolish. I was prepared to send them $700 with shipping for the kit and supplies I needed and they couldent even reply to my email or phone messages. I hope your not bothered if I have some more questions cuz I dont want to fuck up!


Well-Known Member
That is a 64 quart tub I think I think anything about that size and even maybe up to the 100L is suitable... I've used aquariums with salad wrap over in the past, but the big holes with polyfill is better.


Well-Known Member
That is a 64 quart tub I think I think anything about that size and even maybe up to the 100L is suitable... I've used aquariums with salad wrap over in the past, but the big holes with polyfill is better.
Sweet! Im going to to the wbs tek for my jars. How many jars per 64 quart tub do you think I will need. And is 15 oz dry pretty achievable? I cant wait . + rep 4 u my man! You said your from Africa so I have another questin for you. Could I grow my own kaht in the states cuz I really want to try that shit? Thanks bro.


Well-Known Member
ya, but I'm gonna advise you use the tubs, you need much more manual intervention with the tanks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks allot GB I look forward to the to be continued. I will study this for the 2 or 3 weeks until my tax return money comes so I know what im doing. That place the is really foolish. I was prepared to send them $700 with shipping for the kit and supplies I needed and they couldent even reply to my email or phone messages. I hope your not bothered if I have some more questions cuz I dont want to fuck up!
No I won't be bothered wit questions.

Ok, so now your montub is sterilized. Once the rubbing alcohol dries put the cover on the tub.

Tape up the holes on the long sides. with the two holes
on either end ball up some polyfil and stuff it in the holes.

By now the mix in the tub is just cool enough handle, remember it should still be real warm do not let it get cold.

Wash your hands with soap and water, dry and pour some rubbing alcohol and rub it all over your hands, let dry.

With two hands grab some of the mix, give it a firm squeeze until only a few drops of water are coming out and put it in the monotub.

This part is a bit tricky, you don't want to squeeze out all of the water, but don't leave to much.

If I had to quantify it I guess squeeze out 2/3 of the water out of the coco mix.

Repeat until all of the mix is in the tubs.

Now remember when you do this you need to have 6 quart jars of spawn ready to mix in the coco coir.

The Ratio is 3 to 1 or 4 to 1, bulk to spawn

When you mix the spawn in the bulk, make sure the coco mix (the bulk) is room temp.


Well-Known Member
damn anc. you convinced me with that link.

i found my tek. +rep
For real! That shit Is mad easy! GB had some great info as well. I like the horse poo monotub with a combo of the wbs tek link that GB submitted from the shroomery. Lbs in no time! I think I am going to fork over the 200 for the all American pressure cooker tho! Dont forget to rep GB also for that long ass coco coir tek and the wild bird seed link. Peace and good luck!


Well-Known Member
i didnt read that yet. but i will right now. plus rep for him too! nice job...
Dude there is loads of horseshit on craigslist for free! I cant wait to do this shit! That dude got 9 oz dry on the first flush! I think I am going to invest 200 in an all American pressure cooker tho. Keep in touch with me on this thread and we can compare pics of are awesome fruits. Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Dude there is loads of horseshit on craigslist for free! I cant wait to do this shit! That dude got 9 oz dry on the first flush! I think I am going to invest 200 in an all American pressure cooker tho. Keep in touch with me on this thread and we can compare pics of are awesome fruits. Good luck bro!

lol i was just looking on craigslist. weird. whats the all american pressure cooker? yeah man i will definately keep in contact here. i dont plan on growing till the summer though. (im in school right now) i mean in reality i guess i can. but i kinda wanna be there for the whole thing. im probably going to order my cubes with this paycheck im getting on thursday. its going to be a long slow process gathering the material. ill make it a goal to buy at least one supply with every pay check


Well-Known Member
lol i was just looking on craigslist. weird. whats the all american pressure cooker? yeah man i will definately keep in contact here. i dont plan on growing till the summer though. (im in school right now) i mean in reality i guess i can. but i kinda wanna be there for the whole thing. im probably going to order my cubes with this paycheck im getting on thursday. its going to be a long slow process gathering the material. ill make it a goal to buy at least one supply with every pay check
All American are the best pressure cookers on the market. They just last a long time I guess. I'm getting a fat tax return so fuck it! Where are you getting spores from? I'm torn between ralphters or spores 101.


Well-Known Member
im about 99.99% positive from ralphsters.... they got that strain of the month deal right where you just ask for the strain of the month and they give you a free syringe.

thats a hell of a lot of money for a pressure cooker. lol im just probably going to get a decent cheap one. whatever works. when do you plan on doing all this? soon?


Well-Known Member
im about 99.99% positive from ralphsters.... they got that strain of the month deal right where you just ask for the strain of the month and they give you a free syringe.

thats a hell of a lot of money for a pressure cooker. lol im just probably going to get a decent cheap one. whatever works. when do you plan on doing all this? soon?
Ya like 3 or 4 weeks. I want to know a good strain similar to the ones in the cow pastures here in Florida that make you laugh until you have tears in your eyes and with good visuals. I also want fat yield. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
well im reading the descriptions on ralphs site and im leaning towards tasmanian. but i still have like 3 pages left to read.... "very visual, will bring a smile to your face!" lol


Well-Known Member
well im reading the descriptions on ralphs site and im leaning towards tasmanian. but i still have like 3 pages left to read.... "very visual, will bring a smile to your face!" lol
I was thinking maybe Texas strain cuz they say they don't lose much weight when dried.


Well-Known Member
im not too concerned with wieght really. im doing this for fun not profit so i want potent visually stimulating booms. :)


Dont know if anyone has ever seen this site befor but I think it's one of the best ones out there that I've seen.
The bar on top will give grain prep, cake, spore, incubation etc. techs. It is the bomb.
I'm going to have to free up even more time now with my plants and mushy going at the same time.

On another note, has anyone tryed incubating with jars in a tub in another tub with water nd a fish tank heater?
