Bong Water?!


Active Member
I've recently heard that if you water your plants with bong water it helps them grow
I havent tried it yet because I'm not absolutely sure what it'll do to my plants
any advice?!


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt, but thats just me, maybe someone else want to put some fuckin resinated water or whatever the hell it becomes in my plants system but hey..... nevermind.

I would just think that some clean, fresh, clear, sparkly, purified water with a dash of some good steroids for the shorties would be better than bong water


Elite Rolling Society
That's the craziest thing I ever heard, why not try watering your tomato plants with ketchup!
To me that'd be like my old lady douching with tuna juice!


Well-Known Member
when i was young i boiled down some already very thick black bong water and smoked the residue, needless to say thc is not water soluble and i got sick. all your gonna do is nasty up the dirt, even if it had thc your plant can't utalize it in any way. when your plant is old enough to handle it, (3-6 weeks) go with some high nitrogen fertalizer, be carefull not to use to much or you will burn all the leaves off. good luck


Well-Known Member
Depending on where you live, you might wanna check the ph of the water...just to see where you're at.


Active Member
uhh i find this thread kinda funny becuase i been watering my plants with bong water. for about 2 weeks now and they have a good start so its not just a myth and its not all that bad...dont hate on it till u try it...w/e *hits bong*

Well-Known Member
what I meant by steroids was to use nutrients....

If u want a nutrient line check this out...
oh! no! it works for me; just mix 2 parts 30 yr.old bongwater with about double the recommended dosage of lyle alzaido brand steroids, or better yet- miracle gro! you'll have 30' plants that you'll need to keep behind a retaining wall and moat, with a diwali brothers crazy hazard sign reading "do not stand on fence and throw rocks at the plants"!


Active Member
um yea so if you sit and think about it...the water has THC in it...if the plant takes in the water its taking in the thc as well smart ones. if someone can give us proof that bong water is bad than let us know because this seems pretty logical to me. and try growing tomatoes with ketchup? thats dumb. ketchup is smashed tomatoes, bong water isnt grinded up pot. so thats completely irrelavent. good job.
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Active Member
I am almost positive that bong water wont harm your plants unless the pH is to high or low. Every time i smoke my bong on my deck (which is everyday its sunny) i dump the bong water onto my walkway which is covered in weeds. I know that the weeds could have a different reaction than pot but the water doesn't harm them at all. Initially i thought it might kill them, but its harmless.