bohemian grove?


Well-Known Member
this is a club ran by our world leaders the most powerfull people
in the world that makes
decisions for our country the (us) does satanic rituals & sacrafices
homosexuality also they prey to a forty foot owl??
its just crazy to think people like this actully existt i wonder wat there planning

for our futuree... im sorta kinda scaredd..

heres a quick video to explain some more...

its sad to sayy dnt feel safe in my own country
idk maybe im just paranoidd :confused:

the night owl

Active Member
the bohemian grove is a campground owned by the bohemian club, based in san Fransisco. the clubs members are comprised of rich and powerful males, and the only way in (the campground or the club) is by invitation only. it's their (politicians) job to make plans for our country's future, this is where they go every year to get away from their jobs. entertainers get into the campground as well. they don't actually pray to the owl, it's a stage prop for the traditional play in which the "cremation of care" ceremony takes place. (the characters in the play may actually pray to the owl, but the actors portraying them and the audience, I doubt it.) as far as satanic rituals and homosexuality, everyone likes to party. lol. seriously though, some of the campers might be gay, and of satanic religion, but it's highly unlikely that thousands of people from various backgrounds get together annually to ass-fuck each other and pray to lucifer. (I'm not saying it doesn't happen in small groups.) I could go on and on but I'll wrap it up; the bohemian grove is nothing more than a vacation retreat for rich people. here's richard nixon's view on the place.


Active Member
Where the fuck did you not learn to spell? Has the government's regulations of safety and education produce a dumb ass bubble, much like the housing bubble?


Well-Known Member
ahey man y yu gotta b a dickk.............
Not a dick, just truthful. Being a dick would be me calling you a dumbass because I don't believe in that stuff (which I don't think of you).

It's all nonsense dude. In those grove clips, you don't see anybodys face.. It was staged.. Or just a wild party for satanists or something. I highly doubt powerful people that HAVE to be somewhat intelligent believe in that stuff enough to worship a giant ass owl anyways.


Well-Known Member
it just seems people look at you different when you try it. they fund out you grow your own food and they tend to look down on you.


Ursus marijanus
What the fuck???
"Bohemian grove" is one element of a group of "theories" that a shadowy conspiracy rules the world. Extreme versions of that "theory" have reptiloid alien overlords pulling the strings of the Illuminati who pull the strings of ... yuh. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
"Bohemian grove" is one element of a group of "theories" that a shadowy conspiracy rules the world. Extreme versions of that "theory" have reptiloid alien overlords pulling the strings of the Illuminati who pull the strings of ... yuh. cn
I'm not quite grasping the concept of how "homosexuality" plays a roll in this evil conspiracy. It's pretty fucking offensive. Reminds me of this new "theory" that gays caused the holocaust. Now we're conspiring to take over the world? And do what, exactly, butt fuck everyone in sight? Redecorate everyone's home into a leather bar? Make everyone drink fruity alcoholic beverages? grrrr!!! :cuss:


Ursus marijanus
I'm not quite grasping the concept of how "homosexuality" plays a roll in this evil conspiracy. It's pretty fucking offensive. Reminds me of this new "theory" that gays caused the holocaust. Now we're conspiring to take over the world? And do what, exactly, butt fuck everyone in sight? Redecorate everyone's home into a leather bar? Make everyone drink fruity alcoholic beverages? grrrr!!! :cuss:
Naw amigo, they're sacrificing homosexuality! I think that if you burn a cassette so "Priscilla" on top of a Liza album and chant the right words, the reptiloids will appear for you.



Ursus marijanus
That would be due to the fumes from the burning album. :p
When I went to college, one of the guys in the dorm torched a Village People album one night. A bottle of Yukon Jack was implicated. The fumed from that will take you straight back to the Burgess Shale. cn
