bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
quick question for the bodhi brothers and sisters.

harvest with wet root zone or dry root zone? Does it make a difference?
I pay for water since mines so shit, I wait for those suckers to be just about bone dry. takes a day or two off the drying too.

Finally buying an RO unit, my 20 liter water cooler jug was cracked and leaked all over my hardwood floors, I got 3 black spots on my floor now and I'm super pissed. Going to raise a stink at the store, I'm paying a premium to get these things prefilled I thought they'd check the jugs for flaws. It's costing me 6.50 a week on water... Luckily it was a small leak and didn't go threw the ceiling.


Well-Known Member
I've always harvested with moisture in the medium if you let them get really dry does it speed up the drying since they haven't had a drink in a long time? Just wondering if it makes a difference. I like slow dry anyways so I like them to have some moisture
I think everyone sort of finds what works best for them. Ive tried every way u have ever heard of and my preference is a heavy flush than let them get real dry.
Kill the light for atleast 24 hrs. Then chop. Then into hanging baskets for 3-4 days tops and they are perfect. Dry enough to bag or jar and moist enough to sticky up a hand grinder.


Well-Known Member
I've always harvested with moisture in the medium if you let them get really dry does it speed up the drying since they haven't had a drink in a long time? Just wondering if it makes a difference. I like slow dry anyways so I like them to have some moisture
I've noticed that the plants I harvest in drier soil dry faster than my hydro plants for sure. But I could be tripping.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that the plants I harvest in drier soil dry faster than my hydro plants for sure. But I could be tripping.
Oh I noticed that for sure between hydro and soil. On my last harvest with soil I let them dry all the way out just about and they dried way to fast for me 4 days tops but they still cured well but luckily I caught them or they would've dried way too fast. My hydro harvest took almost 7-10 days to dry. That's why I was wondering tho cuz I had never let my soil plants dry out like that before harvest. I've done the darkness thing too didn't see no difference but I do harvest in the dark cycle just cuz they are synthesizing during lights on so I always wait till lights are off before I chop.


Well-Known Member
Oh I noticed that for sure between hydro and soil. On my last harvest with soil I let them dry all the way out just about and they dried way to fast for me 4 days tops but they still cured well but luckily I caught them or they would've dried way too fast. My hydro harvest took almost 7-10 days to dry. That's why I was wondering tho cuz I had never let my soil plants dry out like that before harvest. I've done the darkness thing too didn't see no difference but I do harvest in the dark cycle just cuz they are synthesizing during lights on so I always wait till lights are off before I chop.
I've read that the cannabinoids, or thc, increase during the night cycle because it is being degraded during the hours of light. That is why I tend to cut down right when the light would have typically turned on, or end of last dark cycle. Not sure how much it really does but now it is just a routine habit.


Well-Known Member
I've read that the cannabinoids, or thc, increase during the night cycle because it is being degraded during the hours of light. That is why I tend to cut down right when the light would have typically turned on, or end of last dark cycle. Not sure how much it really does but now it is just a routine habit.
I've read the same thing bro that's why j harvest in dark cycle too. Also read they will suck up the nutes when they are in the light cycle which is why I harvest during dark cycle

Ok I'll harvest with a wet root zone because I live in a pretty dry climate and prolonging the dry a little bit would be preferred.

Or should I not because I will be running a humidifier?

22% humidity outside today.
All depends on how your humidity is in the area you dry your buds. If the humidity is that low in the space you dry I would run the humidifier and do a dry trim instead of wet trim. Just take major fan leaves off and that's it should slow your drying down. I would hate to have to dry in an area like that would drive me nuts lol I'd be checking buds every minute I can shit I do that now and my humidity is never that low

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I have never in my life seen RH under 40! Wow, a low low low 20 percent?! I wouldn't know how to handle that. My dry takes nine days can be as long as 14 if hanging whole, if I am lucky and wet trim a week in the trays. Then it is still a week or two of sloooooowlllaaaaayyy curing the last bit till it is perfect, a joint will burn down if people smoke with tobacco or not (former is a nasty habit over here people mix half half tobacco and weed ewwww), no burn in throat no matter how big the bong. From chop to smoke can take me four whole weeks!


Well-Known Member
I have never in my life seen RH under 40! Wow, a low low low 20 percent?! I wouldn't know how to handle that. My dry takes nine days can be as long as 14 if hanging whole, if I am lucky and wet trim a week in the trays. Then it is still a week or two of sloooooowlllaaaaayyy curing the last bit till it is perfect, a joint will burn down if people smoke with tobacco or not (former is a nasty habit over here people mix half half tobacco and weed ewwww), no burn in throat no matter how big the bong. From chop to smoke can take me four whole weeks!
Us who live in the PNW have a large advantage growing this plant for a lot of reasons. At least indoors. May God have mercy on those stuck in a desert.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll harvest with a wet root zone because I live in a pretty dry climate and prolonging the dry a little bit would be preferred.

Or should I not because I will be running a humidifier?

22% humidity outside today.
Personally I do everything possible to slow the drying process down as much as possible. Even to the point where I've had some bad experience with mold. But it's a live and learn type deal. IMO try to keep your RH in the 55-60 range and temps in the mid to high teens at most (like 60-70f for Americans).


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's pretty brutal here. Random nose bleeds and split open skin in the winter time. But the low humidity is nice for growing. I doubt anyone here has to worry about mold and mildew issues. :D

When the plants are small and in veg I usually need to add humidity to the grow, but come flower time the plants breathe enough water into the air I need to run the dehu to keep it ~40-50% rh.


Well-Known Member
humidity is 88% right now where I'm at and it's going to rain, 20 degrees and going to hit 32 apparently. My dry usually takes 4 days to get slightly crispy then I destalk and jar for 12-24 hours to bring a bit more moisture out and put them on the rack again for 12-24 hours depending on bud sizes yadda yadda do this a couple times usually, then into half liter jars for the cure. Usually 6 days ish before I get them in jars which seems fast :)

I find if I trim after the 4 days when they are slightly crispy my house doesn't stink nearly as bad. I'm building some drying racks to fit inside a large rubbermaid tote so I put the lid on/remove it to control the humidity a bit better.

I put my AC in yesterday and should have covered the tote lol. One of the hardest parts of growing for me is getting this damn drying process dialed in lol, I've had mold a couple times, once during growth and once because I jarred to early, now humidity scares me. Buds still taste good, but I'm sure they could be better.

My biggest fucking mistake is getting SUPER BAKED then forgetting to put the lids back on my jars, coming into the room the next morning and being like "Oh shit!" and then I call myself a dumb ass for an hour lol.


Well-Known Member
I've read the same thing bro that's why j harvest in dark cycle too. Also read they will suck up the nutes when they are in the light cycle which is why I harvest during dark cycle
When you mention the nutes thing that makes sense, they need to transport nutes for photosynthesis but no light no transportation.

Also, I am pretty sure it is bubble man I heard this from. But the dark thing is no joke. Gotta remember trichomes are glands and as such their size will change. Throughout the day they get diminished in size he said but at night is when the glands swell back up with more essential oil and you get larger heads as a whole. Atleast that is how my stoner brain filed it away lol.

Happy mothers day you mother fools.