Blunt or bong

Bong or blunt

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fried at 420

Well-Known Member
If i wanna get madd high ill pack like 6 bowls and be blasted out of my mind but i Personally love blunts the taste,smell,smoke consistency. i love a comfy smoke not a harsh burning like you get from a bong unless using like snow or ice in the bong to cool down the smoke than just plain old cold tap. but if i had 2 choose id say BLUNTZ ALL DAII


Well-Known Member
id would always prefer bongs and pipes over blunts and joints! dont get me wrong. id smoke a nice blunt any day. but with a bong all you get is straight weed smoke. not all the other harsh paper smoke! peace out!


Active Member
Blunts for when you want to take the party with you, bongs if you want to party hard and stay where you are. Ever carry a bong around? Doubt it, I had a really dumb friend that use to ride with his baby bong cause he never knew when a smoking adventure would happen, gotta be the sketchiest shit I ever saw someone do.


Active Member
i like blunts some times but a bong is it for my wife and i. Dont get me wrong blunts get me really high. I just dont like inhaling the cigar paper is what it brakes down to.


Well-Known Member
I prefer neither on a regular basis. Joints and bowls for me. Bongs for special occasions. To each his own...


Well-Known Member
Blunts all day. I like the rolling papers actually. It never gets harsh because I put an ice cube in my mouth and it the smoke tastes soooooo good and I can keep it in longer sometimes. Bongs are ok but you cant really care it around because if a cop does a traffic stop and finds it you can get charged but if he finds rolling papers he can't do anything :)


Well-Known Member
im gonna say bong. blunts are good for social smoking, bongs get the most bake for your buck
depends on who you are really were your at what your doing. if you have your medical card blunts are way more legit to roll with but if your at home then a nice fat inline tripple perk will do.


Well-Known Member
I went through a 3 year period of my life where I smoked 3 blunts a day every day...I love me some blunts! They really are the best even newbi smokers love blunts. I also use to love bongs. That was my favorite way to smoke for a long ass time. I personally hate bowls.

In any case now a days if I'm going to smoke out I'll use a volcano vape or roll a blunt.

My personal smoking preference is volcano (easy for every day use and hands down the best use of weed in terms of concentration and herb consumption), then blunt, and then bong....Bowls are really at the bottom of list.