Blunt,Joint,Bowl,Bong,ect. WHICH IS UR FAV?


Active Member
Just wondering what are ur guys fav out of these. I myself prefer bowls and joints the best becasue they are so simple. I find bongs to be way to much of a hit. Water bowls are also very very cool. But there isnt nothing like sitting back and smoking a j.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I like a bowl best,followed by a joint.With a bowl i can take a hit and cover it so it does not just burn up.I hate wasting my smoke.When i have company it is hard to do a bowl and not end up with a red hot pipe.So a joint is best then.Bongs kill me,take a hit blow the air out and take a hit of stale smoke.Yuck.OPH


Active Member
i'd probs put a joint up first closely followed by a bong very closely. then a pipe then blunts then a vaporiser. can't think of any other ways of getting high. getting high through food seems quite popular but i haven't tried it yet myself will do soon though lol.


Well-Known Member
blunts are my all time fav.... even though they bad for the lungs...

i usually use hand pipes tho,
and bongs,
and the volcano,
and joints,

i also bought a cigarette stuffing machine, with a couple cases of blank cig tubes - that works well for the car... ;-)


Well-Known Member
1. joints (easy and quick...also easy to throw away)
2.Blunts (easy but take like 15 min. and I'd have a hard time throwing a whole blunt out! oh ya and their a little harsh)
3.Bongs (Big hit big hit!)
4.Pipes (my plan D...or if your hiking you can just spark it up easily and take one hit)


Well-Known Member
gotta be blunts....i think its partly a cultural thing...then it starts to be a hand mouth fixation kinda like awful ciggs. I have a glass pipe too and i have to admit it takes about half the amount to get me high and it tastes better too!


Well-Known Member
bong is the only way to go if you want the most out of your weed. its healthier too cause the water acts as a filter.


Well-Known Member
yeah I gotta say bong is damn near my favorite. I think a bong is easier on my throat and my lungs than a pipe or anything else I could be smoking out of (vaporizing however is another story.)

pipe's pretty good for really enjoying your weed, savoring the flavor and getting high off a little.


Well-Known Member
yeah i heard people bitching about that in another thread...

you can just change it back to the old skin in my rollitup -> edit options (blazin 07)