Blueberry help

hey guys, jus startin a blueberry that im gonna lst nd prob tie over, i hear they are very picky about the nutes that u give them, nd how much they get. ne help would b very much appriciated.


Misguided Angel
Blueberry's are very nutrient sensitive, I would run at 1/4 strength personally and if any signs of deficiency occur such as nitrogen bump it up a bit. They also do not like the soil being too dry. If the soil is pulling away from the sides of the pot they are too dry and it will stunt it. They are a more difficult strain to grow but under optimum conditions they are a great producer and the smell and taste is legendary.
sounds good man, thnx, so where im am right now, i just have miracle grow all purpose at 10-30-10 should i jus use a weak concentration of that or pick up something new, don b afraid to tell me i gotta get some better stuff, i don wanna waste my time nd hurt it with miracle grow


Active Member
I would not use MG..I've never grown in soil but have read plenty of threads showing that it is not good


Misguided Angel
How far are you into your grow? I personally do not use miracle grow, there are a bunch of different nutes you can use. i have only ever used canna and advanced nutes. I have seen grows done on here using miracle grow and they seemed fine. It's all about personal preference really.
just started soakin the bean a couple of hours ago, nd im using an organic top soil with no nutes, so i figured i got a lil bit to get ahold of the nutes that i need, deff open to ne sugestions


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is a BIG no no in growing marijuana. It's poison to them.

Suck it up and buy some real nutes. House and Garden are the best on the planet. Very pricey, but they have a low EC necessary to acheive the best results you'll ever see.
I'm growing my first Calif. Med Bluberry clone, 2nd week. I used 60% MG, 15% Plite, 10% P moss, 5% Sand, 5% Worm casting's, 5% Bat G. (POOP) ia a 1Gal. Pot. Very happy so far, growing fast. Lighting 400W 7,500"ULTRA SUN'' MH. burning 16 Hrs aday and have + and - vents running at a steady 75 drgrees. I washed the soil 2 times befor transfer and let drain for 48Hrs, a little costly but is kicking butt . If growth continues as is I will transfer to 5 to 15 gal. pot. I would like to know of a good nute to add after x plant ? TY