blue venom trouble

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Sup guys havin little trouble over here my blue venom is lookin a lil droopy expecally the fan leafs havnt watered it for the past 4-5 days and it has been really warm and humid for the past week any ideas??

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Kk thanks for the help guys rookie misteak lol... i gave it little less then a ltr or untill it started to drip from the bottom..will see what happens


Well-Known Member
Kk thanks for the help guys rookie misteak lol... i gave it little less then a ltr or untill it started to drip from the bottom..will see what happens
It's also good, when a container completely dries out, to water like you did, wait an hour, and water again. Enough for a little run-off from the bottom. Then an hour later hit it again. Third times a charm! Each time the soil will absorb a little more, then you can go back to watering when the top inch is dry to the touch.