Blue Mystic Yeilds 450 Grams of Dry Bud Per Plant?


Active Member
Ok so I think I just answered my own question here, if gr. stands for grains and there are 15.43 grains in a gram then 450 grains is roughly 29 grams which sounds about right.


Active Member
Usually they state that it will yield XXX gr. per m2. But if its not a mistake i might have to buy some of those seeds.


Well-Known Member
1 pound off 1 plant is completely reasonable. You need a long veg indoors or an entire outdoor season but with that 450g isn't a huge deal. Haven't you seen guys pulling 3+ lbs per plant outdoors? That's 1344+ grams...


Well-Known Member
Ok so I think I just answered my own question here, if gr. stands for grains and there are 15.43 grains in a gram then 450 grains is roughly 29 grams which sounds about right.
I'm pretty sure they're talking about grams, not "grains" (a unit of measure that almost no one uses)...and expected yields are often stated as grams per square meter, so if that's what they're talking about here, 450 g/m2 isn't that high of a number for an indoor grow. On the other hand, a single plant grown outdoors during the full season could easily yield 450g ...and some of the heavier producers can exceed this. For example, the expected yield for Critical Mass is stated here ( as "Indoor 650/750 g/m2 & outdoor 500-600 g/plant."