blue cheese with cheese


Well-Known Member
whats peoples thoughts on growing 2 strains together in a verticle grow
i know some strain require different things that others require ie
white widow takes 8 weeks to flower cheese take 9-10 weeks
if i was to grow blue cheese along side cheese would there be any problems
what should the ph be for cheese aswell
and is cheese a harder strain to grow



Active Member
I run 13 pheno's in my horizontal. I guess I like variety of smoke.

The pros are I don't have to harvest all at once. I can take a week because some finish at 56 days and some take up to 62 days.


Well-Known Member
Planning on using rockwool in a vert system and I had ww at 5.5-5.6ph but have been told cheess is best at 6-6.1ph
And my ww was ready to cut at 8weeks


Well-Known Member
not grown either , all i can offer is blueberry is quicker than cheese so id guess b/cheese would be done quicker ?

what set up you running ? slabs in a tent or a ecosystem ? im interested , i do love the exotic of verts