Blackcoupe 01's Ice & Aurora Indica Grow


Well-Known Member
A few months back I wasn't really considering growing, but I threw some bag seeds into a cup of water when I was baked..then I forgot about them and like 5 days later 3 or 4 of them had inch long tap roots so I planted them in some organic auto feed soil with some perlite. I used a 150w day light bulb and hid them in my night stand. With no air flow and probably too high of temperature...they still looked like seedlings after a month! Not really knowing what I was doing I then put them under the 600w and the grew more in 2 days then in a month...then almost right away, they shriveled up and died! I don't age of a plant really matters... it is what stage it is in so I'm rooting for that lil bag seed! You can do it!


Well-Known Member
Things are looking good. Although, I must say, that the Ice does look different than what mine did. Guess it goes to show that banks do differ in their strains. I really wanna see em finished and how alike(or different) they are to mine. My ice likes to grow a lot of 3 leaf leaves. And they are more sativa looking​


Well-Known Member
The ICE and Aurora Indica are 4 weeks old today, got some more pics for yall.

Ill start with the ICE, top views of each of the 3 plants.

Notice the damage one the one leaf? Damn cat almost lost all 9 of it lives.:twisted:
Heres a pic of all three ICE

They are all looking good. Still my favorite.

And now for the Aurora Indica

They are also growing great with no problems so far.

Heres the whole bunch. ICE in the back, AI in the front

Well there they are, 4 weeks old. 2 more weeks and im going 12/12 and swapping the 600w MH for the 600w hps. Ive been following the Fox Farms nutes schedule very closely and these 6 babies are my best growing, healthiest plants to date. This is my first time using Ocean Forrest and the gang of FF nutes and I dont see myself ever using anything else.

Im still not 100% on going 12/12 at six weeks. Kinda want to veg 8 weeks but well see how my patience holds up.

How my babies lookn?


Well-Known Member
Man nice grow going here!!! And lucky me Im just in time to get to watch the porn get better and better!!! +rep


Well-Known Member
they are gettin so big!! mmm i love indica!!!!!!!!!! yes i have lost a whole plant cuz my kitty! lol but he got really sick so that was his pay back


Well-Known Member
LOL HAHA my cat is in love with weed!!! not the schwag though,i tried to give him a little nug of shwag to smell and he ran away but the minute he smelled some of my dank he WAS ALL UP IN MY GRILL!! haha


Well-Known Member
My cat is nuts, attacks small dogs all the time. Its awesome when your cat kicks a dogs ass. He's grown up in a house with 3 pitbulls so hes a tough little shit, well he aint so little either. Part asain leopard, 2nd generation bengal, loves to prune my plants


Well-Known Member
CUte cat lol my cat does the same shit with the leaves,before my plant died i pulled it and my cat was all over it like eating the shit out it! haha