Black Worm-Like bugs in my roots, HELP!!!

So I had some root rot and got it mostly taken care of, plants are healthy again and growing 'like a weed' :-)
I went to check my roots today and found a bunch of new root growth but on the roots I saw these little black worm-like things. Kinda of a cross between a worm and a slug maybe? I know they aren't fungus gnat larvae or aphid larvae but I even called my hydro store to see what they thought and they hadn't heard of anything like it before. So, I'm turning here for help. Here's 4 pics of them, please let me know if you have any ideas! The one on my finger was about an average size, some a little bit bigger and some a little bit smaller. IMG_20131016_140426_467.jpgIMG_20131016_140541_857.jpgIMG_20131016_140628_837.jpgIMG_20131016_140929_135.jpg


Well-Known Member
my thought is, don't panic until you know for sure, look real closely and see what they are doing, they could actually be beneficial, like lady bugs are on top! you did write the ladies were doing well "growing like weeds) anyway just saw your post and that's my $.02 :arrow: stay on it though, those things could eat all those roots in a night! LOL I'm curious too, I grow hpa and the nice, soft, fluffy, moist root structures look like a nice comfortable place to hang out if I was a worm/bug/fungus, I'm always checking my roots, even been trimming them! good luck with the issue, thanks for posting it.
Thanks for the reply, I never thought they might be good. I also check my roots a lot, every couple days or so just to see what's going on down there. I hadn't noticed these before though which means they had to of popped up within the last week(ish). My hydro shop guy called me back about 20 minutes ago and he talked to his boss and neither one know what they are. They looked on the internet as well and no clue. I've never seen anything quite like it either. I even tried to resort to looking in my old entomology book to see if I could find anything in there, but no luck.


New Member
better be safe than sorry, go purchase beneficial nematodes and sprinkle into soil.. I have saw similar things and cured it with nematodes, they require storage in a fridge from local hydroponic store. Dont buy them unless they are pulled from fridge.


Well-Known Member
root gnat fungus gnat larvae is what they are looking like to me. had a bout with them before way way back in the day. they look like lil black leeches slugs.