Black gunman kills 2 at CMU


Well-Known Member
Desperate troll is desperate. Look, if you're that desperate to get me to acknowledge your fascist views just drop some of your shit tier memes.
It's been fun but it's time for me to enjoy brunch with the family. Enjoy your Sunday and I hope you find a homosexual partner that you are desperately seeking.


Well-Known Member
Just in;

shooter was given drugs the day before possibly without his knowledge.
he was taken to the clinic, given a tranquilizer to settle down and I'll bet 1000 guessed it an SSRI !

Next day, he was so confused he killed his parents.

Ban service revolvers from crazy ass shooters and rule breaking policemen at once!!
oh yeah, that cop was already banned from having guns on campus.


Well-Known Member
It's unfortunate that we were unable to debate. If you are unable to accept the facts, how are we to address the underlying issues? Is it a fact that blacks commit homicides at 8 times the rate of whites and Hispanics, combined? Yes, yes it is a fact but why is that? What is the underlying issue/s? You and your dimwit buddies like to talk about cocks and homosexuality when the questions get uncomfortable and the facts do not support your opinions. Have a good day, sir.
there is no relation between race and crime, according to the citation you yourself provided.

why did you set up a sock puppet to spam us with images from though?