Black Dog Platinum XL LED grow


Although canopy penetration doesn't seem to be an issue with these powerful LED lights, do you think they would lend themselves well to a SOG/4 plants per square foot lollipoped type grow where each plant is essentially one kola?


Active Member
Although canopy penetration doesn't seem to be an issue with these powerful LED lights, do you think they would lend themselves well to a SOG/4 plants per square foot lollipoped type grow where each plant is essentially one kola?
yes. I believe that is the most productive way to grow. We don't do it so much any more because of plant count laws. You will defiantly want a light mover for this though.

Out of curosity, how long do you veg for when you sog?


northern blue dream

Active Member
Sorry it took so long to get the final, but i have been crazy busy and met a girl! whoo, go me!for real though the final weight well dried was 403 g, so a bit lighter than i was hoping but all in all pretty good for that strain.The smoke is awesome. Smooth and strong. Havn't smoked a bleached bud yet but i will get one of my trimmers who is a super connoisseur and all day every day smoker to do a blind taste test and see what he thinks. I am going to try and run 18 blueberry plants on two of my 4x4 trays with both Platinums and see if I can hit over 3 pounds. I have done that with HPS and blueberry so we will see. Going to take a few weeks off but I will keep you guys posted.Sidd
hey sid you pulled 403g from the led light?


Active Member
So I have been thinking about this for a while now and just completed my first design. It is working exactly as I wanted and I expect it to increase my yield from this simple add-on that cost about $6.

So, a "Bell Siphon" is pretty common in aquapoinics. It is how they drain their ebb and flow tables. After watching one in action I thought it would work really well for hydro. The main difference is that in aquapoinics the fill pump is always on, when the fill reaches the top of the stand pipe, the siphon drains faster then the pump can fill, the siphon stops when the table is drained, and the table begins to refill. Simple enough right. Now lets apply that to a standard hydro ebb and flow setup

With hydro I use a 4x4 table that fills for 15 minutes every other hour during "lights on". It takes my pump a "396" 5 minutes to fill the table, the next 10 minutes is just stagnate water, then it takes another 15 minutes to drain the table. So in one 15 minute on cycle, the plants roots sit in stagnate water for about 25 minutes. After adding the Bell Siphon the table fills and drains twice in 15 minutes and there is no time spent in stagnate water. It helps stir up and aerate the nutrient solution while rinsing the rooting medium.

Here are two good websites to help you understand how a bell siphon works and how to build your own. I will also add the details on how I built mine.

A very important piece of information that both of these websites leave out is the rise rate of the water filling the table is related to the size of the stand tube. If the water rises to fast for the stand tube to start a siphon it will just drain, if it rises to slow it will just drain. So both websites talk about the inlet pipe size, but a more appropriate term would be "water rise rate" in the grow table.

well I just got tied up in a conversation. I will come back and edit this and add the exact details about my setup and how it works.
If you have any experience with Bell Siphons, chime in and help out.
