Bin Laden is CIA


Uses the Rollitup profile
Sorry, but I don't agree. I don't think it's spam when he posts a link to a video that he wants to share. At least this video is not offensive, and this is Toke N Talk, so how is it spam?



Well-Known Member
cuz the american's or whatever cant stand the fact that they are so stupid... america = Nazi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ how fuck'd up on xbox360 u hear these little high voic'd american... uhhhh nazi.. em sorry you americans took them after the war and made them yours u assholes ^^

hahahaha... no wonder u fuck'd up now

sry this is maybe spam ^^

lol. allot to say but yet i just talk'd shit now didnt I ..... nope i didnt


Well-Known Member
Fact is the US did supply weapons to Bin Laden during the Russian invasion of Afgan. The US Gov. is way too eager to arm people only to get the guns pointed back at them..


Well-Known Member
well, dog's have fur. so do kittens. birds, like eagles and canaries, have feathers. fish have scales and so do reptiles.


Well-Known Member
Here in the US, We do have lots of problems and terrible situations and fucked up politics. But the American People overall are good people that just want the best that life has to offer. We are misrepresented by our politics, And the SUPER WEALTHY control almost everything and do not give a damn about nothing but money. Personally I think the whole world is screwed up! So I will take America and what it has to offer. I will add that with my own Ambition and Drive and see what happens. In the end we all DIE:twisted:


Well-Known Member
cuz the american's or whatever cant stand the fact that they are so stupid... america = Nazi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^ how fuck'd up on xbox360 u hear these little high voic'd american... uhhhh nazi.. em sorry you americans took them after the war and made them yours u assholes ^^

hahahaha... no wonder u fuck'd up now

sry this is maybe spam ^^

lol. allot to say but yet i just talk'd shit now didnt I ..... nope i didnt
ummm....what.... try not being so ignorant and people might be able to understand what your TRYING to say


Well-Known Member
ummm....what.... try not being so ignorant and people might be able to understand what your TRYING to say

Dude how the fuck can u say i am ignorant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats in no way ignorant, ignorance is someone that isnt well educated........ LoL .... Guess you need to learn english or learn how to use words...

Anyway..... I am not american nor do i live there... So its your prob. tbh. your nothing special america.. they just shove so much up ya ass so u forget whats realy going on .... Now the shits starting to dry and fall off....


Well-Known Member
Yes, bin Laden was part of the Mujahadeen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, accepting assistance from Western intelligence agencies like the CIA. The Soviets withdrew in 1989. The Mujahadeen soon split into factions, and one faction eventually prevailed: the Taliban.

There is no evidence of any cooperation between the Mujahadeen and any Western intelligence agency since 1989. It seems as soon as the Soviets were gone, they wanted everyone else gone, too.

Alliances change all the time, especially when intelligence agencies are concerned.

This is old news and was discredited as soon as it was released the first time.


Well-Known Member
US peeps are great...its just those asses in power that screw everything we've got Bush lite with Harper...he even has that stupid little Bush smirk...I'd love to slap that off both their faces.... be worth the time..


Well-Known Member
US peeps are great...its just those asses in power that screw everything we've got Bush lite with Harper...he even has that stupid little Bush smirk...I'd love to slap that off both their faces.... be worth the time..

Not all of ya, but its those " asses " that rule ya country.. and you just stand there..

As i said the shits starting to set & fall off :D


Well-Known Member
Yes, bin Laden was part of the Mujahadeen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, accepting assistance from Western intelligence agencies like the CIA. The Soviets withdrew in 1989. The Mujahadeen soon split into factions, and one faction eventually prevailed: the Taliban.

There is no evidence of any cooperation between the Mujahadeen and any Western intelligence agency since 1989. It seems as soon as the Soviets were gone, they wanted everyone else gone, too.

Alliances change all the time, especially when intelligence agencies are concerned.

This is old news and was discredited as soon as it was released the first time.

The American people know very little about the going-ons in Washington.


Well-Known Member
The American people know very little about the going-ons in Washington.
There is no evidence of any cooperation between the Mujahadeen and any Western intelligence agency since 1989.
As I stated above, there is no evidence. Only speculation from those who would prefer to cast the U.S. in an unfavorable light. There would be some evidence of such a monumental U.S. cooperation with OBL, but there is none. Nothing.

You made your claim, where's your evidence?
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