Bill Blair looking for liberal nomination


Active Member
So, even after retiring from a police force, you guys believe *civilians* shouldn't be allowed to run for public office? I think they should have the right but their record will be judge and jury. LOL


Well-Known Member
To me it is synonymous with HC employees retiring then starting a lp facility....same shit different pile.


Well-Known Member
I would not judge the Man.
1st he is a Lib so he most likely supports Cannabis legalization.
2nd I lived in Toronto for the time he was the chief and I never once got harassed for Pot. (The only people I hear of getting harassed are Gangsters and G20 protesters)
3rd None of the Cannabis clubs or Vapor lounges got harassed by the Toronto police during his tenure.

The only real stain on him IMO is G20, and that arguably was not even in his control. I think the PM and the RCMP and Army and all the secret services from around the world are who had control during that event.
I would also add that maybe because he was a Police chief he might have a better insight has to what needs to get done in the city and maybe his input has a politician will serve us good, specially if he is pro Cannabis, or at least Cannabis friendly.


Well-Known Member
Sure he can run for office. He should have to get HYPOCRITE tattooed across his forehead first.
How many lives did this jackboot, undercover, slimball cop ruin in his career?
Always about the money. Fuck off and die Bill Blair!


Well-Known Member
Im with doobius on this one.
Fuck this asshat.
After watching him ruin countless lives in toronto with his nonsense the last thing we need is to give this idiot more power.
I must be mis understanding what retiring means anyway. Doesnt it usually mean you collect a pension and fuck off.
I thought only hokey players come out of retirement to cash million dollar cheques than retire again.


Well-Known Member
Im with doobius on this one.
Fuck this asshat.
After watching him ruin countless lives in toronto with his nonsense the last thing we need is to give this idiot more power.
I must be mis understanding what retiring means anyway. Doesnt it usually mean you collect a pension and fuck off.
I thought only hokey players come out of retirement to cash million dollar cheques than retire again.
no that's musicians


Well-Known Member no no no no no no....drug enforcement for 9 years....I don't think he busted anyone for small amounts though....pfft...the fucking children...that's just political speak...highly regulated, controlled, eliminate the bm...keep talking out your ass...legalization means I can grow tomatoes in my back yard....


Well-Known Member no no no no no no....drug enforcement for 9 years....I don't think he busted anyone for small amounts though....pfft...the fucking children...that's just political speak...highly regulated, controlled, eliminate the bm...keep talking out your ass...legalization means I can grow tomatoes in my back yard....
You need to learn to read between the lines. Has a politician you need to soften the butter before your spread it on the shitty burnt toast. He can not come out and be like "Yo Yo Yo we gonna Legalize Nomesayin?" Come on why so hard on the man? Not all cops are bad crooked people, I have met shit tons of cool police and even burned with one (not in Canada). Dont get me wrong I have also been harassed before like most of us, but I can argue and say normal people in the street are meat heads sometimes too, people are good or bad, being a ex cop has nothing to do with that, he is not even police no more.


Well-Known Member
I think when you say you're retiring with perhaps a nice pension from the police force, you shouldn't really need to become politician and collect more public money. The fact that he spent many years in drug enforcement and now he's for legalization with me that's being two faced...I might as well invest 10K in an lp and then come here and argue agains't if he wants to donate his (for the sake of argument) his wage from being an mp to the foodbank, well, I may rethink that....