
Well-Known Member
DankD saved me from buying crank weed, but i was heavy, so she dropped me in a bush.

then i went and got dank weed

Thanks dalia


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha. yes weed would totally power me up. like this energy drink.......

hahaha and Wh00p does speak the truth about my powers.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm i haven't thanked a dealer in a long time....only because i don't have one anymore.

oh my gahhhh i love babybel cheese.


Well-Known Member
Dealer is my friend who sold me 2 grams of dank weed for 15 because i r poor..

i love cheese alltogether..


Well-Known Member
*tackles sgt to the ground and smothers him in love* lol, thanks, I had a lot of fun. My best friend doesn't smoke bud, so we've never talked about it, like EVER. This time I just out right told her I can't sleep without smoking and where could I do it. She went outside with me to this cool bench that overlooks this awesome view....and she talked with me while I smoked my BBB.

It was so cute, cuz she was all interested and had all these questions about it....she didn't want to try it, but that was ok, I knew she wouldn't. So it was just awesome, because that's seriously the ONLY thing we've never talked about, and it always kinda sucked.

God I wish I could get her to do it...she's so fucking funny, I just KNOW that if I were high with her I would be fucking ROLLIN. Cuz she has me rollin, like, when I'm totally sober, you know? *off to plot the deflowering of my friend's virgin lungs* lol, is that bad?

Originally Posted by TreeDweller79
a little poem for yall in honor of the biggest thread ever.
"snitches are bitches, and bitches get snitches or end up in ditches"

First of all, wouldn't it be bitches get STITCHES? But the way I know it is SNITCHES get STITCHES. That's it, no cute little poem for the snitches, just the facts...
I've been through the same sort of thing.. After they see that you don't turn into some raving lunatic or try to fly off the roof their perspectives change...Maybe it's not for me but works fine for others...


Active Member
Dealer is my friend who sold me 2 grams of dank weed for 15 because i r poor..

i love cheese alltogether..
thats a total rip man. normally I get an ounce for 120 when I don't have any grown myself or I get lucky and get a quarter for the price of an eighth (25) dank as they come, straight out of a skunks ass.
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Well-Known Member
its not a rip, because that shit was so dank that passed around a room full of 4 people, and that shit had everyone going "wow, that smoke was great" and saying no to a 4th bowl..



Well-Known Member
I’m back in Liverpool and everything seems the same,but I worked something out last night that changed this little girl's brain!!!!!!!