
Well-Known Member
ive been in new mexico for 5 months with no herb and i think im going to pull my hair out. cant find anyone here who can hook me up. the only one i found had the most repulsive shit ive ever seen.....the shit was brown and it seemed like the whole bud was made of a stem and seeds with a sprinkle of flower, dumbass wanted 40 for a 1/4.

5 months you could have grown a batch in 5 months ..

Your looking in the WRONG places ..

gotta follow the hippy's ,, the Ravers , and the junkies .. they know where the buds are


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

So I've been gone for a while, but that doesn't stop people from making threads dedicated to me :grin:

It's good to know that I don't even need to BE here to be on your minds :razz:

So how's everyone been? I've missed you guys...well...most of you :wink:
Good to see you wikid....:hug::hug: Its been strange here lately, everyones missing..... Hope alls well with you..... Are the assholes still howling at you...?? Screw them... I hadn't seen any new myself...and I better not...... :cuss:
Hows the new car..? No scratches yet...... You beat me today in "battle".. you're within my striking range look out........ :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
it's the way of the internet. anyone/everyone can bitch about meaningless and ill-perceived offenses.
lol, yeah, I've done it before myself :wink:

Good to see you wikid....:hug::hug: Its been strange here lately, everyones missing..... Hope alls well with you..... Are the assholes still howling at you...?? Screw them... I hadn't seen any new myself...and I better not...... :cuss:
Hows the new car..? No scratches yet...... You beat me today in "battle".. you're within my striking range look out........ :bigjoint:
Twisty! *tackles you and smothers you with love* How are you? You know you're one of the ones I've missed :hug::hug::hug:

And don't worry, I would never let a few lames chase me away from you guys :wink: It's usually a newb anyways :roll:

Car's good, way better than my old one :grin:

And as for the battle...of COURSE I beat you, I'm the shit :wink:


Well-Known Member
Good to see you.. damn..!! Has work picked up for risk of lay offs I hope... not a good time to get a mandatory holiday...


Well-Known Member
Good to see you.. damn..!! Has work picked up for risk of lay offs I hope... not a good time to get a mandatory holiday...
Nope, work is still slow, but luckily they aren't laying anyone off. They let the temps go, but my job is very hard to train for, so even though they don't like paying us to do nothing, if they let us all go they'd be FUCKED once they had work that needed to be done :grin:

It's good to be needed :razz:

So what have I missed around here? Anything good? I didn't bother reading all the posts I missed, I missed WAY too much to read it all


Well-Known Member
Nope, work is still slow, but luckily they aren't laying anyone off. They let the temps go, but my job is very hard to train for, so even though they don't like paying us to do nothing, if they let us all go they'd be FUCKED once they had work that needed to be done :grin:

It's good to be needed :razz:

So what have I missed around here? Anything good? I didn't bother reading all the posts I missed, I missed WAY too much to read it all

*jumps on you and licks your face* :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
me: *dials wife next door at her mom's house*

wife: "hello"

me: "get home, NOW!!"

wife "why?"

me: "someone's gotta do these dishes."

dial tone .....................................



Well-Known Member
*jumps on you and licks your face* :bigjoint:


That was cute and all, but I'm still gonna whup your ass at pool :wink:

Welcome back Wikid :)
Thanks! lol, I missed the push up kitty :lol:

me: *dials wife next door at her mom's house*

wife: "hello"

me: "get home, NOW!!"

wife "why?"

me: "someone's gotta do these dishes."

dial tone .....................................

lol, if it were me you would have heard hysterical laughter THEN a dial tone :razz:


Well-Known Member
Nope, work is still slow, but luckily they aren't laying anyone off. They let the temps go, but my job is very hard to train for, so even though they don't like paying us to do nothing, if they let us all go they'd be FUCKED once they had work that needed to be done :grin:

It's good to be needed :razz:

So what have I missed around here? Anything good? I didn't bother reading all the posts I missed, I missed WAY too much to read it all
Like I said a few missing troops... I'm a bit worried about Gryphonn & Pho3nix.. Aussieland is a blaze... a lot of fatalities.... :sad:

*jumps on you and licks your face* :bigjoint:
Down boy.......:leaf:


Well-Known Member
That's not good :sad:

So no one's heard from them?

*Wikid starts rounding up volunteers to go to Australia and begin the search*
Yeah they kind of were living on the I don't even know if they are near the fires... Like all you Cali people when we all hear about how the state is a blaze... Thats it... we're all going to camp in fdd's back yard, or you're basement.....before any more people disappear.......


Well-Known Member
They were mobile at least .. They were living off the land ,Im sure they hopped in their range rover and cruised deep into the bush,Prob no internet service


Well-Known Member
Well, I usually AM fairly close the the fires :razz:

But I hope they're ok. I hope they come back soon.

Now that I'm back I just want to be selfish and expect everyone I want to be here to BE HERE! Muahahahahaha