
Well-Known Member
Nope it was not you Mr Twisty , But like I said ..Im no snitch anyway .. Who it was is not important. And I saw no harm in it ..We all have choices . I choose to stay here .. I like this place .. when I was at Bonnaroo I actually missed being here .. oh no Im addicted ........
I hear you..When I went to Toronto, I tried to log on and it wouldn't take my password...I KNOW my own password...happened before, and I got some stupid #'s back when I clicked forgot PW link...I' should fix that today...
What was worse was being able to read all the posts and not being able to log on..I even sent an email, but got NO reply.....5 days no RIU... thanks guys %$#&^*(*^&%^%# !! so there :):):)


Well-Known Member
Pookies cat a conda could take it......
Don't know about that he was about 5ft long lol! I just realized how awful the ground looks that pic is under a chinaberry tree no grass grows nothing but little sticks that fall off the tree....I have grass I swear.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Will that snake bite you? I am so glad I don't have to worry about snakes around here. If any just garden snakes.


Well-Known Member
Will that snake bite you? I am so glad I don't have to worry about snakes around here. If any just garden snakes.
I guess it would if you mucked with it but it just has tiny teeth no fangs so the worst he could do is give you a chewing you wouldn't forget.Iv'e caught these and their defense of choice is to crap on you,this one was out of my path and very hot so I just took his mugshot and gave him some water.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Go to Australia, everything there bits & kills your ass........ they have about 90% of all the bitting poisonous grim stuff..imagine trying to do a grow outside and finding brown recluse spiders on your plants....and you think spidermites are a pain... Or the tiny blue ringed octopus.. even if you get bitten IN the hospital you're toast..


Well-Known Member
.ǝɹnʇɔnɹʇs ɹɐ1nɔǝ1oɯ ǝbuɐɥɔ ǝʞı1 ǝ1qıssod ʎ1uɐɯnɥ puɐ 1ɐɯɹou sı ʇɐɥʍ puoʎǝq sbuıɥʇ op uɐɔ ǝuɐظ


Well-Known Member
.ǝɹnʇɔnɹʇs ɹɐ1nɔǝ1oɯ ǝbuɐɥɔ ǝʞı1 ǝ1qıssod ʎ1uɐɯnɥ puɐ 1ɐɯɹou sı ʇɐɥʍ puoʎǝq sbuıɥʇ op uɐɔ ǝuɐظ
No shit.... thats grim..I'd have that looked at...