Bigger colas/lollypopping plants?

Hey RUI wondering how do you guys lollypop/prune your plants... to get the maximum sized colas i've seen the few growers get..... heard to wait for the new growth before flipping to flower... To have the buds connect don't you need the inner nodes to be like the first picture shown to have the cola fill out?


Didn't have the same topping techniques last grow and they are getting bushier so my second question is what to do with the these long nodes coming off the main colas (2nd picture)... should i cut them or leave them to get the giant colas....looks like getting to big to connect to the cola? bit confused understand may take multiple grows to see how to get those 2oz+ colas. any good experienced grower plz chime in...



Active Member
Prune back bottom 1/3 of the plant, the lower branches will never have much if any finished product on it. i recommend pruning once put in flower, or right before, this allows to grab a clone or 4 also. some people take much more off the plant, i have found lower 1/3 works best, and gives good budding up top and some side nugs.


Active Member
Usually FIM mine two weeks b4 flowering due to the recovering process and stress it puts on the plant. I currently have 4 main cola's doing very well.


Well-Known Member
thanks... they look perfect you rly mastered, it but mostly tutorial for LST... looks like you cut all the side nodes lol
If you mean the secondary branching, yes. That's what produces the zero popcorn effect and shifts the entire flower mass to the top of the branch.

This is what you asked:

Hey RUI wondering how do you guys lollypop/prune your plants... to get the maximum sized colas i've seen the real advanced growers get.....
Good luck.

If you mean the secondary branching, yes. That's what produces the zero popcorn effect and shifts the entire flower mass to the top of the branch.

This is what you asked:

Good luck.

Lol thx for reminding me what i said... anyways we'll see ill just do that to 1/3 my plants to see which works


Active Member
Big cola's are genetic more than enviromental, you got to have both perfect. You got it or you don't. My last seeds I bought from the seed bank scums were tall stretched kreepy lookin things with periodic bud sites that grew shit. The frigin guys sent me hermies, the one male out of 22 seeds was the opposite, short bushy and 0% pollen. I bent them numerous times, didn't make no dif.