Big Plans For the DIG


Active Member
Hey There. I am new here, this is the official first post, but trust me you will be hearing alot from me.

I am currently in the proccess of building my Dream Indoor Growroom which I will call DIG for short. I wont go into how I came up on such a good deal I just did ha. This is gonna be along proccess but will be very rewarding, I hope.:eyesmoke:

About the Flower Room

I will be growing 12-48 plants in this room Depending on the wattage and our legal medical numbers. They will be assembled on 2 rows running with the light. I am also Implementing a vertical screen to get maxumum plant spread.


For lighting I will start with 2 1000w HPS on a light mover going long ways. after the first grow I will upgrade my lighting by adding 4 600w in a line standing up on the floor (Veritical Lighting), the 600w's will be HPS and I will switch the 1000s out for MH for an even light spectrum, after the second grow 4 more 600s will be added. All of my lights will be mounted in cool tubes.


I am installing a all mounted 22,000 btu AC and all hot air from cool tubes will be run threw on of 3 8 in Iceboxes (air heat to water exchanger) to keep the ac from doing more work. I am also using the HYDROgen Co2 Generator which is from the same company as the icebox, it is a water cooled Co2 generator and will be mounted on the outer wall of the room housed in a shed.

I am going to be running a total of 5 fans in my flower room, 3 8in blowers for the lights, a 6in Dump fan to dump Co2 Enriched air into my Veg at the end of flower light cycle. and a 4in fan to cool my ballast box.

~Container system

I have designed a new grow system based partly off of the grower X interview that talks about the Filthy Bucket System (link at bottom) which combines soil and hydroponics.

The system is very complicated nd only explainable with pics, which will come soon. But for now heres a brief description:

The water will enter on the upper level of 2 total levels, it will come threw a 1/2" float valve and run off of gravity. the water will then me forcefully pulled threw the bottom 4" of each pot, which are filled to 5 inches with hydromite rock(the rest with premium soil). The water will run down threw the roots that pertrude out into the lower basin. a powerful pump will pump the water from the bottom basin back into the reserve. each container will get its own air pump and the bottom basin will be covered in air stones. if my pump ever went out the container would just fill and the float would stop it from overflowing, making it into a Deep Water Culture, so it is fail safe!! hope that made sense ha..

Those are the Basics, I will go into my Veg room in a day or 2 and will post pics when they come.

any feedback or comments are greatlly apreciated, time to go smoke a bowl to start my day off habongsmilie

Smoke on

A must Download (just ignore the advanced nutes plug) Grower X