big mother vs tiny mothers


Active Member
clone1 is vegged for 4 weeks, as a mother plant, clones consistantly taken, vegged, flowered...

clone2 is vegged for 4 weeks, 1 cut taken, them flowered, cut rooted, vegged, repeated...

my question is over time will it matter which system I use?


Well-Known Member
Idk I've heard different opinions on this one, some say that over time if you keep taking clones of clones of clones and so on it will lead to degradation of the genetics of the plant and it will lose sumptin over time. Others say U could clone a plant for 10yrs never having a mother and it wouldn't harm anything. Me personally I don't have enuf exp. with cloning to give u an answer besides what I've read.


Well-Known Member
doesnt matter... just depends on how often you need clones and how many.

I've done it both ways and still do, with the same strain for the last 3 years. I've seen no difference or degradation between clones from long term mothers or when I top a rooted clone, root the one cut, then veg and flower.

I do the 1 cut, veg and flower thing mostly now, due to plant count laws. Better 4 large plants than 25+ in a SoG. Still, I keep a long term host plant tucked away *just in case*.



Active Member
negligible genetic drift is likely not going to be noticed before you either lose the mother or decide to replace her with another strain. Keep your scalpel sterile and clone in clean conditions.
The genetic drift from each gen is huge to a geneticist, but usually only noticed by a grower as strange leaves, odd leaf count, smaller plants, etc. overall vigor may diminish slightly over time also. All of these negative traits can be deleted with a quick tissue culture of the undifferentiated material, to start anew, with zero bacteria/virus/pathogens present.