Big Bud Grow from seed: day 44 aeroponics


Well-Known Member
Its cool how the smell has changed as the buds have gotten thicker. For a female gone hermie, she looks really awesome.


Well-Known Member
Here is miss Lilith in all her glory. We should have supported the stems of the colas some of the side ones are bending over from their own mass. There are like 50 little buds on the lower branches. The top two colas are over 12 inches tall.



Well-Known Member
hey email... right now she is in a CF24 bath. I am planning to flush with fresh water this weekend and then cut her down a week later. I am going to use some hydro kleen too. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Always a good idea to flush before harvest. Do you want my favorite harvest, drying and curing links?


Well-Known Member
they look nice and fat - maybe you should cut a very little bit off (from one of the little lower bud sites) and dry it and try it?