Big bud and bud candy from AN

They are great products!!!! Not sure about the big bud, but i know subcool uses bud candy!!!! If someone like that uses
bud candy, it can not be that bad...But im sure SOMEONE we all know will find some way too knock it.. And yes...LOTS of pro growers use big bud and bud candy...We do have some people who like to do PROPER testing..Not just use a formula for first time vs the one have used for years...Kinda stupid! Each one is different..Some for geraniums and some for medical grade...
He works for GH...
LOTS of pro growers use big bud and bud candy...

Well yah if you give it away for free they will use it. I know LOTS of "Pro" growers as you call them and they could care less about those products. These guys actually know how to grow plants and can get same result with any pre formulated food.
Wow...Knew people could get low, but not that low. Hope it makes you feel better. Makes me feel
better knowing the negative real life karma you just gave yourself! Yes i have epilepsy. Nice of
you to say that in this thread, nothing about that... You corrected me with one out of 4 points..
The other 3 you are wrong... So you know more then subcool do you.....LMFAO..... Tail
between me legs....LMAO.. Looking at your scary picture, i bet you have NEVER had any sort
of tail between your legs!!! Nice pedophile picture by the way. Oh wait..Off topic like you again....

Say what you will to make yourself feel good little boy. I try to help people, you try to sell
the products that you work for.... Yaa... No soup for you!!!!!

Still kinda shocked you went that low. Could see it in your face, but still no one with a
wife or family would ever take a shot like that...Only someone that will never have one
and is crying all day infront of his computer!!!! Bye bye little boy!!!

Oh ya..Who are you again? Oh someone like me and everyone eles who can give there
opinion on products, not take shot at people... Hope to meet you one day :)


Rebel From The North
If i could get DG i would give it a go, but for now i use AN and BC with good results, never would I tell
Someone to buy AN full line that is for suckers lol. All I will use is there three part and big bud/b52
And the results are great! But so are BC line to, if you keep it simple with AN it will work great and
Not break your wallet.
A pro...Someone who has done it for more then 30 years.....Thats just the way i see it. And they have used
diff foods to get different results... And if you got that product for free and used it properly, you would have
bought it again.. Bud candy and sweet add some sweetness.. Both different. But do the same.
"The plant was grown in my super soil, and until day 30 fed only water. At day 30 i like to give the plants some sugars and starches and apply Bud Candy and sucanat(raw sugar)which increases resin production and enhances the smell. This is an old trick farmers have been using for years,but also feeds the many benifical micobes in my soil" Subcool. Dank 2.0 The quest for the very best marijuana continues.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if it is wise to use budcandy in the flush week as a final sweetner with just water (or other very end of season ripener)?

The reason i want advice is have you ever smelt suger burning?! F@ck this in my lovely nuggz!

tree king

Well-Known Member
and also is bud candy compatible with h202? a.n customer service told me it is but im hearing mixed things from different people


Well-Known Member
Anyone think Jaymann005 and Masonite420 are the same person... They type with the same patterns... Using lots of dots... and stuff... :o To Budman when I flush It's usually just water no nutes no additives, for better tasting less harsh smoke. And to Tree king you can use bud candy with h202, h2o2 kills bacteria bud candy is carbs and sugars (mostly). Your plants will still uptake the bud candy. :leaf:

tree king

Well-Known Member
Anyone think Jaymann005 and Masonite420 are the same person... They type with the same patterns... Using lots of dots... and stuff... :o To Budman when I flush It's usually just water no nutes no additives, for better tasting less harsh smoke. And to Tree king you can use bud candy with h202, h2o2 kills bacteria bud candy is carbs and sugars (mostly). Your plants will still uptake the bud candy. :leaf:
thanks. same goes for nirvana right tonedef?


Well-Known Member
...bud candy is carbs and sugars (mostly). Your plants will still uptake the bud candy. :leaf:
Plants have a limited ability to pull up sugars from the soil probably because your plants already make their own sugars during photosynthesis. At best, bud candy feeds your soil while supplying the plant with a weak dose of magnesium. Instead of spending $70 on a gallon, you could buy enough sugar and epsom salt to last a lifetime.

There is a guy at ICMAG who compared bud candy to molasses and something else, maybe he had a control too? In the end, I certainly couldn't tell the buds apart.

tree king

Well-Known Member
im talkin about hydro homebrewer. i appreciate your advice though. in my opinion its not that expensive i buy 4 gallon bottles for $65


Well-Known Member
im talkin about hydro homebrewer. i appreciate your advice though. in my opinion its not that expensive i buy 4 gallon bottles for $65
They're $70 per gallon on amazon and I'm certainly not going to tell you how to spend your money. In general, you should be able to read the Guaranteed Analysis on your bottle and determine if it's going to make a difference or not. Sugars? You don't need them. Magnesium? Important but you should be getting that in your base nutes already. I think the bigger question is; what are you trying to accomplish with these products? What is currently missing from your herb that you think these bottles will fix?

tree king

Well-Known Member
They're $70 per gallon on amazon and I'm certainly not going to tell you how to spend your money. In general, you should be able to read the Guaranteed Analysis on your bottle and determine if it's going to make a difference or not. Sugars? You don't need them. Magnesium? Important but you should be getting that in your base nutes already. I think the bigger question is; what are you trying to accomplish with these products? What is currently missing from your herb that you think these bottles will fix?
your right sorry i mis spoke. i meant 4l for $65. homebrewer i just used it for the first time and im impressed at what it does. it makes the buds denser and heavier plus i noticed the buds got bigger faster too. im definitely gonna keep using it. you cant get molasses etc in regular nutes


Well-Known Member
You bumped a 1 month old thread here:

..a 45 day old thread here:

...a 5 month old thread here:

...a 3 month old thread here: 11 month old thread here:

....a 6 month old thread here:

...a 9 month old thread here:

And this is just in the last 3 days!!!!

So I will once again ask you: Are you making a habit these days of bumping really old threads just to name drop your product? My guess is you'll just run off again like you always do whenever I call you out. :lol: Should I post links to those threads too?
well said tell these newbies lol