Biden is screwed


Well-Known Member
Joe/Amy ticket vs Trump.... thats the equivalent of Trump being the Mike Tyson at 18 years old vs Steve Urkel wearing glasses and rocking fresh trouser suspenders...

Joe has no chance unless he added a heavy weight like Michelle Obama to be his VP ... Trump is gonna Dunk on Joe from the Free Throw line with his tongue hanging out to the side ...

I think both sides suck ass Dem and Rep
Nah, you're forgetting Trump is running against himself. And he will defiantly steal the show. Biden is not running as a cult leader, just a guy who is smart enough to hire people that have a clue about what it is to do the minimal amount of work that we require the government to do.

Democrats don't need a cult leader.


Well-Known Member
Trump was just on TV a lil while ago stating that he'll overrule governors if they try to keep religious institutions closed.... G Check


Well-Known Member
Trump was just on TV a lil while ago stating that he'll overrule governors if they try to keep religious institutions closed.... G Check
See, he is running against himself. Everyone that is not in his cult, he perceives as his enemy? It sucks that he is incapable of governing for the entire country.


Well-Known Member
Precisely what is the joke? Is it because he landed a cushy job for high pay? Did he hurt you? How do you know him? Do you call CEO's of banks that fail, then have to be bailed out, only to keep their job and get a bonus in the millions a joke? Why not? I'd like to know if he was somehow corrupt, but like"Obamagate", there is no definition.
Yeah, well, I'm not dying on that hill. Biden's son is a screw-up from what I've read about this subject. I don't think I would have taken the money. It says something about the Jr that he had nothing better to do. That said, it's not a stain on Biden Sr to have a screw-up for a son.


Well-Known Member
Its a dumbshit thing to say. Expect him to walk this back. Unlike what Trump does.

I'll worry about things like this when we have a president who isn't trying to tear down our constitution and make a king of himself.

Priorities, dearie. Priorities.
well uncle gaffe doesn't need to lower the bar..just saying.


Well-Known Member
well uncle gaffe doesn't need to lower the bar..just saying.

Says the Sanders supporter.


Clarence Page: Bernie Sanders' race gaffe not unique

Did Sen. Bernie Sanders really say that white people “don’t know what it’s like to be poor?” Well, yes, he said it, but he didn’t mean it, which only shows how quickly serious presidential debates can turn pretty goofy.

Bernie set a low bar too. Those old white guys don't belong in charge of modern government. I can agree on this. But then again,

priorities, dearie, priorities.

smokin away

Well-Known Member
Ok, let's say his kid is a joke, what does that matter? The 'corruption' lies being spread by Trump's foreign and domestic trolls has been shown to be pure conspiracy theory nonsense over and over again. So he is a joke, growing up in DC with a famous dad and dealing with rich kids everywhere it doesn't surprise me if he is (or not, I don't know the guy at all and could care less when compared to the true pieces of shit Trump's kids are).

Free? lol come on man, what does the government tell you you 'have' to do? All it can do at the end of the day is make laws for things you can't do, because someone screwed it up for everyone enough that it had to have a law made, and hope that you don't do them, and hold you accountable if it is proven in a court that you should be accountable.
Maybe I've been an American Citizen longer than you. Maybe history gives me a different perspective. Let's for a moment reflect on historical events to expose your view on Freedom. I was only 16yr in 1968 when the Vietnam War was raging. The Draft was forcing Americans to fight a foreign war that didn't beseige our borders. The Government used every means possible to suppress the right of Free Speech during the 1968 Democratic Convention. When I turned 19yr the Government held the one and only lottery for the Draft since WWII. I was lucky and had a higher number. The war ended shortly after. It was the voice of the people during these protests that finally ended it.
On August 28, 1968, around 10,000 protesters gathered in Grant Park for the demonstration. At approximately 3:30 p.m., a young man lowered the American flag that was there.[11] The police broke through the crowd and began beating the young man, while the crowd pelted the police with food, rocks, and chunks of concrete.[25] The chants of some of the protesters shifted from "hell no, we won't go" to "pigs are whores".[26] (Wiki).


Well-Known Member
Maybe I've been an American Citizen longer than you. Maybe history gives me a different perspective. Let's for a moment reflect on historical events to expose your view on Freedom. I was only 16yr in 1968 when the Vietnam War was raging. The Draft was forcing Americans to fight a foreign war that didn't beseige our borders. The Government used every means possible to suppress the right of Free Speech during the 1968 Democratic Convention. When I turned 19yr the Government held the one and only lottery for the Draft since WWII. I was lucky and had a higher number. The war ended shortly after. It was the voice of the people during these protests that finally ended it.
On August 28, 1968, around 10,000 protesters gathered in Grant Park for the demonstration. At approximately 3:30 p.m., a young man lowered the American flag that was there.[11] The police broke through the crowd and began beating the young man, while the crowd pelted the police with food, rocks, and chunks of concrete.[25] The chants of some of the protesters shifted from "hell no, we won't go" to "pigs are whores".[26] (Wiki).
And ever since that time the Democratic party has been steadily growing to represent the entire country and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda like the Republicans have been.

I am sure if we took the time we could come up with a whole bunch of experiences that have led us to in some ways very different and others very similar perspectives as Americans. The problem is currently we have a President that is treating over half the country like they are the enemy, and we are not, or at least we would not be if he wasn't trolling us nonstop.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I've been an American Citizen longer than you. Maybe history gives me a different perspective. Let's for a moment reflect on historical events to expose your view on Freedom. I was only 16yr in 1968 when the Vietnam War was raging. The Draft was forcing Americans to fight a foreign war that didn't beseige our borders. The Government used every means possible to suppress the right of Free Speech during the 1968 Democratic Convention. When I turned 19yr the Government held the one and only lottery for the Draft since WWII. I was lucky and had a higher number. The war ended shortly after. It was the voice of the people during these protests that finally ended it.
On August 28, 1968, around 10,000 protesters gathered in Grant Park for the demonstration. At approximately 3:30 p.m., a young man lowered the American flag that was there.[11] The police broke through the crowd and began beating the young man, while the crowd pelted the police with food, rocks, and chunks of concrete.[25] The chants of some of the protesters shifted from "hell no, we won't go" to "pigs are whores".[26] (Wiki).
Well, yeah, the US government led by a Republican President greatly expanded an illegal war, was in fact killing protesters, killing Black Panthers, assassinated at least one leader of another country and was brought down in large part by active resistance from a committed opposition that had the backing of the majority in this country.

It was an exercise of our rights under the Constitution and the people of that era succeeded.

The real repression of that era occurred under Republican rule. Democrats were divided and after the riots you described, reactionary right wing faction of the Democratic party no longer held power. McGovern was our choice in the next election. Carter after that.

What's your point?


Well-Known Member
friend it's the old shit; the 80s stuff..ugly then, worse now..
Speaking of the 80's,

Biden is walking back on his dumbshit comment regarding who a black person is:

ATLANTA (AP) — Joe Biden declared he “should not have been so cavalier” on Friday when he told a prominent black radio host that African Americans who back President Donald Trump “ain’t black.”

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee quickly moved to address the fallout from his remark. In a call with the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce, added to his initial public schedule, Biden said he would never “take the African American community for granted.”


toad you so


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the 80's,

Biden is walking back on his dumbshit comment regarding who a black person is:

ATLANTA (AP) — Joe Biden declared he “should not have been so cavalier” on Friday when he told a prominent black radio host that African Americans who back President Donald Trump “ain’t black.”

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee quickly moved to address the fallout from his remark. In a call with the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce, added to his initial public schedule, Biden said he would never “take the African American community for granted.”

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toad you so
With 4% black support for Trump I can see his point though.