best way to move em


Well-Known Member
hey so here is the deal. i need to figure out a way to move my plants to a different location. they will all be about a foot tall and in a foot tall gallon pots. should i just trunk it or get a uhaul trailer or something.

give me some ideas and some creative ones to make it safer. be goin plenty over 20 miles
I would say rent a uhaul just to be safe, if they smell you need to find a way to keep that in, Duct tape the doors or something. I would say a uhaul trailer because you can 1) you can lock it.... cops and such would need a warrant to look inside. and 2) it looks very average going down the road. Plus you can stack stuff in front of it if you really want to be safe but the smell will give away at that point if you have to open it.


Well-Known Member
well they dont smell right now because i was waiting to flower them to after i move them, so no real smell. and the drive is under an hour away. not a long haul. well be setting up a tent when i get there. as i think about it, i think i should just trunk it. and have someone drive behind me or something.


Active Member
I put them in boxes in a mini van and move a bunch of other crap as well, like a tv and sofa or something. I moved a couple big plants, it is nerve racking.