Best way to medicate: Vape or eating?

Hi All, I do not have much expereince with marijuana, just a few puffs in college. But now I have some anxiety, insomnia, and headaches. I do not want to smoke it because i still jog a few miles every day, so that leaves me with vaporizing or eating it in brownies. Any thoughts?


Hi All, I do not have much expereince with marijuana, just a few puffs in college. But now I have some anxiety, insomnia, and headaches. I do not want to smoke it because i still jog a few miles every day, so that leaves me with vaporizing or eating it in brownies. Any thoughts?
I've never tried brownies, but I've heard that using a vape will get you higher faster.


Well-Known Member
Using a vape would get you the highest.
hahahaha thats a good one.....These are to totally different aniamls

Vaporizing gives you a instant head high and it lasts for 2-4 hours depending on strain.

Eating it takes 1 -2 hours to set in.. then your high for 6-8 hours....the body high and head high you get from eating is far more intence than vaporizing

I made some Caremels with home made cannabutter made from 1 cup of the vaporizer leftover 2 carmels kicks my ass



Active Member
ive used vaps in the past cuz i have asthma and i cant be around cig smoke and can barely smoke J's or blunts cuz of the paper/tobacco. but personally i never felt like i was gettin as high when i used the Vap. eating it was always my fave if i had the time to just zone out, but if you bake it to hot or not hot enough you dont get the full effect. but i am an instant gratification guy so i just smoke using whatever is handy.


Well-Known Member
---As colonuggs stated: Vaping and medibles are two different worlds. Vaping is pretty much instant action whereas medibles take awhile(anywhere from 50 mins to 1 hr and 15 mins)...and then it's a long ride! :) Because medibles are all baked, cooked, or prepared differently, not all medibles are created equal. Case in point- The brownies we make are only about 1" square...and they *will* knock you on your ass. Basically, one 9"x9" pan of brownies cut up evenly gives us 64 1" square pieces. You simply do *not* eat 2 pieces, or you will be seriously messed up! Thats with only about 1/4 cup of ground up herb and one teaspoon of pure kief! :)

Now our vape also has a great bubbler attachment...and it's amazing. So very smooth and tasteful- no smoke, no burn, or dry cottonmouth. Now, our brownies actaully do give you cottonmouth and red eyes, go figure!


I like to vape my bud in my MFLB til it gets golden, with a bit of green left. I save it up til I have enough and make some cookies or something and eat it. Best of both worlds :)


Active Member
eating/vap all way but guess depends on condition
look at eating as slow release meds and vaporizing as acute pain controll if mabye that helps
you guys must have super low tolerences if you can get high off of eating vape spice, usually it takes me like 3tbs of strong butter to even feel anything, i dont understand how i can get barely any effects off like a $20 eddible but other people are on thier bass from one bite of weak shit, does anyone else have effects like this or am i just immune to edible weed???


Active Member
no i use 14 -16 grams daily broke up between eating 4cookies and smoking im not real fuzzy on vaporizing once in while ya but its just not the same eating works great but my butter made from buds/sweet leaf only as well works 10 fold better