Best way to hang T5 4 ft 8 X 54 W System?


New Member
So i made a makeshift hangar as seen in my grow journal:

Anyways I know that I will down the road have to move the lights constantly up as they grow. I still have not put up my 400 w hps light as I still need to make room for venting out.

Anyways the yo yo hangar system that I have for my hps only supports apx 25 lbs. However I love the way it functions, any way I can get something simliar that hold my light?

Oh and please stop by to critique my grow as it is my first dwc.


Well-Known Member
bump...... I did not want this to get overlooked
My T5 is much smaller than yours but I use chains, carabiners, and hooks to hang my HPS and my T5 my HPS weighs around 30 lbs or so.

Pretty cheap at Walmart, hope this helps.

Either that or get a yo yo hanger that's meant for heavier weight.


New Member
My T5 is much smaller than yours but I use chains, carabiners, and hooks to hang my HPS and my T5 my HPS weighs around 30 lbs or so.

Pretty cheap at Walmart, hope this helps.

Either that or get a yo yo hanger that's meant for heavier weight.

I did not know that they made ones for heavier weights.

Where is a link for that, as I like the simple and easy use they offer.