best way on telling when crop ready


Well-Known Member
I have some clones that i got of a friend he says they are blueberry i'm in the beginning of my 7th week today most blueberry strains i've seen flower for around 8 week this one plant.I got 2 i put one on veg to use her has a moter and she looks lovely.but the one in flower has nugs from every internode joing togeather.The plant is well sticky iky but i was wondering what is the best way of telling when plant is 100per cent ready because there is no sign of any change of coulour.Do i just let her carry on till hairs are nearly all not white or stop her at 8 week.any answers to this question would be gladly excepted.


Well-Known Member
microscope and look at the trich... find some dank ass bud and look at it then compare it to what you have


Well-Known Member
that gave me a headache reading it dude. maybe you might benefit from looking into proofreading your posts.......

the best way to tell is by looking at the trichomes.....when they start to turn amber that is said to be the peak of THC production. When they all are amber THC is breaking down and you are now loosing potency so, I usually harvest some where in between mostly cloudy and some amber and 50-50 amber cloudy


Well-Known Member
I have some clones that i got of a friend he says they are blueberry i'm in the beginning of my 7th week today most blueberry strains i've seen flower for around 8 week this one plant.I got 2 i put one on veg to use her has a moter and she looks lovely.but the one in flower has nugs from every internode joing togeather.The plant is well sticky iky but i was wondering what is the best way of telling when plant is 100per cent ready because there is no sign of any change of coulour.Do i just let her carry on till hairs are nearly all not white or stop her at 8 week.any answers to this question would be gladly excepted.
the best way is to look at the trichomes. to do that get a micrope or some thing that magnafys them
this should help read through the grow faq tons of infomation in there if you just read it . this will help you to deturmin by the type of hi you want from your smoke