best pothead job?


Well-Known Member
but i would have to say a nice pothead job is judging diffrent types of
buds at cannibus cup


Active Member
Get a job you know you wont loose once you get it, be a medical assistant because there will always be a need for more and more hospital jobs and work.

Or get a job in the tech industry technology never stops growing and if you get an electronics degree or something close you can always count on a job.


Active Member
i relly cant belive it hasent been said but glassblower man think about it all the lil stoners will love you

Gold medal bong hits

Active Member
I would have to say working at a headshop would be pretty cool. Every time i walk into the local headshop they are just playing cod superblazed looking


or being a pimp...........that would be too perfect


Get yourself a good sugar Mamma like me....I get to be Mr. Mom and never work again at age 25.

and i can just see ur cake ass at the crib watching all my children, and guideing light and has the world turns