Best Organic Nutrients


I'm about 3 weeks into flowering on my first grow. I've been using Botnicare Pro Bloom on an aeroponics system. I was wondering what the best value per yeild using organic hydro nutes would be?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry -- I did not notice what you wrote, I was too busy looking at your butt. :O


Active Member
Me to.. Um dont realy undrstand ur question tow the way its words towards the end. I no a lot about growing but I may b a lil vocaularity frustrated. :(


Well-Known Member
Blue Mountain Organics (BMO) is cheap and I'm having AMAZING results with it. Granted this is the first organic line of nutes I've tried, but given the results I'm getting, I see no reason to even try anything else. I'm only a month from seed and still vegging so I can't vouch for yields, but my plants look insane and are growing exponentially.

FFOF + BMO is a winner in my book.