Best method for drying/curing


Well-Known Member
In essence it really doesn't matter how you dry them as long as you don't use excessive heat. some people just want to get high as soon as possible and quick dry others of us consider ourselves more connoisseurs and are concerned with the best possible flavor, taste, and high combinations we can get. its the difference between you making yourself a ham sammich and a master chef makin you a ham sammich they're both a ham sammich just his is a fuck-of-alot better. but i dont think there is a "right" way or a "best" way to do it. I do it all different ways all the time. I'd say give everything in this thread a try and figure out what you likes


Well-Known Member
I know this method isn't the best but I think it's a good mid point between hanging the whole plant and fast drying. My last harvest I took the top buds that finished first and put in a brown paper bad with holes in it and kept in a cool dry place for like a week and a half and buds turned out fine. Probably not the best but hey I'm a lazy stoner. I would not want to hang the whole plant cause the lower buds won't be done when the top ones are done. I'll pick those around a week later. Anyone try a similiar method?
yep, a paper bag or cardboard box is another method that works well, careful of mold as always


Well-Known Member
I know that curing is to completely break down the chlorophyll (which makes the smoke so harsh) so curing allows for you to get heavier, cleaner hits.

Drying just gets most of the water out and barely breaks down the chlorophyll


Well-Known Member
I know that curing is to completely break down the chlorophyll (which makes the smoke so harsh) so curing allows for you to get heavier, cleaner hits.

Drying just gets most of the water out and barely breaks down the chlorophyll
drying the buds evaporates the moisture or water and when it does the chlorophly is evaporated with it cleaning it out of the leaves and buds.Curing is where dried buds are put into a jar to be sweated by bringing the moisture out of the center of the buds and making it evenly moist all around.curing also rids more of the chlorphyl and breaks down sugar and starches but majority of the chlorophyl is lost during drying.if you you just dry your bud by hanging it until the branches start to snap its still smokable and will taste alright but curing will give it that final touch.The smell and taste come from terpines and unless the bud is dried and cured at a slow rate and not to fast or you will get that harsh taste.But also dont dry to slow or you can get mold.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey guys have yall every tryed one of things thing BC Northern Lights it and scroll it all the way to the bottem where it says THEDRYER ......that is what iam talking about do yall think that they work or what


Well-Known Member
hey guys have yall every tryed one of things thing BC Northern Lights it and scroll it all the way to the bottem where it says THEDRYER ......that is what iam talking about do yall think that they work or what
How much is it???Because you could probably get the materials at a home depot or something and build one for cheap.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just dug out my magic chef food dehydrator.Did a temp and humidity reading.130f 10% long do ya think it will take to dry about a 2 gram bud???????:mrgreen:
As I understand it you shouldn't ever dry at a temp over 87 degrees farenhiet.
There is is sticky on here somewhere by Al B. Fuct about a homemade dryer box with instructions. I'll look up a link and post it as soon as I can, it's getting late and can't think straight right now.:peace:

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
I harvest in 2 steps, taking the top cola off and then i drop the lights to get the most out of all those popcorn buds lower down, after i hang mine till the leaves start to get crunchy, 2 to 5 days depending on the thickness of the bud. Then i manicure and place in cigar boxes (buy them rello's in bulk saves you big bucks) not air tight, however a month or two in there, shaken up every day, i haven't had any mold problems yet (knock on wood). After that i place my bud in airtight freezer bags and stored away for later enjoyment, the only thing about this method is if you put you bud in a grape flavored cigar box, I tend to get a slight grape flavor to the bud, noticeable but not overpowering.


Well-Known Member
I harvest in 2 steps, taking the top cola off and then i drop the lights to get the most out of all those popcorn buds lower down, after i hang mine till the leaves start to get crunchy, 2 to 5 days depending on the thickness of the bud. Then i manicure and place in cigar boxes (buy them rello's in bulk saves you big bucks) not air tight, however a month or two in there, shaken up every day, i haven't had any mold problems yet (knock on wood). After that i place my bud in airtight freezer bags and stored away for later enjoyment, the only thing about this method is if you put you bud in a grape flavored cigar box, I tend to get a slight grape flavor to the bud, noticeable but not overpowering.
Do you put the rello box in the fridge after the air dry 2-5 days. That seems a little interesting as well. Cause I have 2 strawberry rello boxes I could use. All I would have to do is open the box a couple of times. But wouldn't the humidity be too high if you put it in the fridge, and its not air tight?
Wrong, when curing, your buds are not completely dry. Curing is a term for slow drying. It usually takes about 10 to 14 days of curing before smoke improves potency and taste. If you really want well cured weed cure for 1 month then store for 2 then smoke and tell me how right I am. And weed will pick up any scents that are around when drying. If you cure in a pickle jar that hasnt been washed well your buds will smell like pickles. Of course strain has everything to do with smell and flavor, so does not flushing your plant well enough to get the fert taste out.